Aiou Workshop 5403| Full Test admin 3 years ago Spread the love /90 95 Aiou Workshop 5403| Full Test 1 / 90 1) A pixel might be displayed as: a) Black b) All c) White d) Blue 2 / 90 2) is an example of: a) URL b) Path c) Protocol d) Bookmark 3 / 90 3) main is a a) Compiler directive b) Expression c) Comment d) Function 4 / 90 4) Indention in MS Word is used to: a) Change the paragraph color b) Change line spacing c) Make the text readable d) Apply border around text 5 / 90 5) Which of the following is not an example of e-commerce? a) Online education b) Online chatting c) Electronic shopping d) Electronic banking 6 / 90 6) The types.of signals can be: a) Digital b) Analog c) Digital and Analog d) Analog 7 / 90 7) Specifications on how the system willsatisfy its requirements are created during : a) Analysis b) Development c) Design d) Implementation 8 / 90 8) Which of the following cables consists of a single core of solid copper? a) Medium b) Digital c) Coaxial d) Unicode 9 / 90 9) Which of the following topologies uses routers? a) star b) Tree c) Mesh d) bus 10 / 90 10) Which of the following is the entering point in Windows? a) My document b) My computer c) Desktop d) Windows explorer 11 / 90 11) The message sent on a ____ network can take any of several possible paths from source to destination a) Mesh b) Tree c) Star d) Ring 12 / 90 12) Data can be erased using ultraviolet rays written on: a) PROM b) RAM c) EPROM d) EEPROM 13 / 90 13) Which of the following components is used to convert first.c to first.exe? a) compiler & header b) None c) compiler & linker d) header & linker 14 / 90 14) Sound,light and radio waves are examples of a) Pulse b) Green c) Digital d) Analog 15 / 90 15) Memory consists of: a) Cells b) ports c) none of these d) Data communication 16 / 90 16) The process of converting a digital signal to an analog signal is called: a) Modulation b) Conversion c) Demodulation d) Merging 17 / 90 17) Which type of diagram shows how information flows through a system : a) Decision chart b) Gantt chart c) DFD d) Logic flowchart 18 / 90 18) The area in which text is entered, manipulated and viewed is called: a) Text area b) Documentation area c) Document window d) Window 19 / 90 19) A computer network must contain at least number of computers: a) Four b) One c) Three d) Two 20 / 90 20) The output of the compiler is called: a) Library code b) Object code c) Linked code d) Source code 21 / 90 21) The typical fiber optic cable consists of very narrow strand of glass called: a) Base b) Cladding c) Core d) Sheet 22 / 90 22) Which register is used for arithmetic and data operations? a) DX b) BX c) AX d) CX 23 / 90 23) The name of screen clarity: a) Pixel b) Picture quality c) Density d) Resolution 24 / 90 24) The process of modifying information system to meet changing needs is called : a) System upkeep b) System management c) System maintenance d) System modification 25 / 90 25) DSL stands for a) Digital Subscriber Link b) Distance Server Line c) Digital subscriber Line d) Domain System Line 26 / 90 26) Which of the following is determined by video display adapters: a) Resolution b) All c) Speed with which image appear on screen d) Number of colors 27 / 90 27) Turbo C++ can compile a) Turbo C++ Programs only b) Turbo C Programs only c) C and C++ programs d) C programs only 28 / 90 28) In the OSI model, encryption and decryption are functions of the________? a) Application layer b) transport layer c) Session layer d) presentation layer 29 / 90 29) Which of the following can be set using Format Paragraph command? a) Line spacing and Indents b) Indents c) Margins d) Line spacing 30 / 90 30) CRT stand for : a) Cathode Rays Tube b) Gray Rays Tube c) Chemical Rays Tube d) Coated Rays Tube 31 / 90 31) IBM stands for: a) International Business machine b) Internet Business Machine c) Internat d) Internet Bulletin Machine 32 / 90 32) The number of times a wave repeats during a specific time interval is called a) Frequency b) Phase c) Frequency d) Amplitude 33 / 90 33) Which of the following is not a type of page margin? a) Top b) Left c) Center d) Right 34 / 90 34) The central processing unit: a) Interprets and executes instructions b) All of the these c) Communicates with other parts of the computer system d) Does arithmetic and logic operations 35 / 90 35) LCD stand for : a) Long Crystal Display b) Linear Crystal Display c) Linear Crystal Display d) Liquid Crystal Display 36 / 90 36) Laser printer is an example of: a) Non-Impact b) Dot Matrix c) Impact d) Inkjet 37 / 90 37) A type of language in which instructions are written in binary form is called: a) High level language b) Assembly language c) Machine language d) None 38 / 90 38) The process of training personnel to use the new systems is done during : a) Design b) Development c) Analysis d) Implementation 39 / 90 39) A bus line consists of: a) Registers b) Parallel lines c) Accumulators 40 / 90 40) The internal transfer of binary data in a computer uses mode. a) Serial b) .Sequential c) Direct d) Parallel 41 / 90 41) A translator is best described as: a) Hardware b) System software c) Package software d) Application software 42 / 90 42) System requirements are created during : a) Development b) Analysis c) Preliminary Investigation d) Design 43 / 90 43) Bps is short for: a) Bits per second b) Binary packets a second c) Bytes per second d) Baud per second 44 / 90 44) The conversation over a walkie-talkie radio is-an example of: a) Simplex transmission: b) .Duplex transmission c) Full-duplex transmission d) Half-duplex transmission 45 / 90 45) Compiled programs typically, execute faster because: a) None of the above b) Compiled programs do not require any data c) Compiled programs are read and executed a line at a time d) Compiled programs are already in a machine-readable form. 46 / 90 46) A printer is needed to: a) Create PDF files b) Create softcopy of the document c) Create word files d) Create hardcopy of document 47 / 90 47) MS-DOS operating system is a: a) All b) Single tasking c) Single user d) Command line Interface 48 / 90 48) Ctrl + Alt + Del is: a) An invalid key combination b) Recognized by Windows only c) Used to close the active window d) Both b and c 49 / 90 49) Which of the following is harmful for computers? a) Antivirus b) Shareware c) Virus d) Freeware 50 / 90 50) Which kind of signal is mostly required by telephone lines? a) Analog b) High c) Low d) Digital 51 / 90 51) Computer transmit data in the form of codes. a) None b) Binary c) Decimal d) Analog 52 / 90 52) Which of the following code can represent up to 65,536 symbols? a) ASCII b) EBCDIC c) Unicode d) BCD 53 / 90 53) Which of the following is not a communication media? a) Twisted Pair b) Fiber optic c) Microwave d) Modem 54 / 90 54) Was a wide area network connecting a small number of users. a) Internet b) ARPANET c) ISP d) ARPA 55 / 90 55) Many networks include a central computer called: a) Bridge b) Gateway c) Server d) Clint 56 / 90 56) Which of the following is an example Internet Protocol? a) ARCnet b) MAC c) TCP/IP d) Ethernet 57 / 90 57) Which method is used to collect information from many people in organization : a) Questionnaires b) Interview c) Sampling d) Observation 58 / 90 58) The device driver is a type of : a) Package software b) Application software c) Utility program d) System software 59 / 90 59) An assembly language uses: a) None b) English Words c) Mnemonic Codes d) Binary Digit 60 / 90 60) The normal orientation for printing is: a) Horizontal b) Landscape c) Portrait d) Vertical 61 / 90 61) EEPROM chips: a) Can be reprogrammed by ultraviolet light b) Can be reprogrammed electronically c) none of these d) Cannot be reprogrammed 62 / 90 62) MAN stands for: a) Metropolitan area network b) Massive Area Networks c) Metropolitan arranged network d) Marked area network 63 / 90 63) Add New Hardware option is available in: a) Status bar b) Task bar c) Main menu d) Control panel 64 / 90 64) An operating system is a: a) System utility b) Software package c) Application software d) System software 65 / 90 65) The system that translates an IP address into an human-readable name is called: a) Domain b) Domain name system c) Domain numbering system d) IP system 66 / 90 66) The standard protocol for the Internet is: a) TCP/IP b) TCP c) IP address d) IP protocol 67 / 90 67) An identifiable location in memory where data are kept is called: a) Location b) none of these c) Address d) Cell 68 / 90 68) The second layer of OSI model is a) Presentation layer b) Data link layer c) Session layer d) transport layer 69 / 90 69) The processing of running an executable file is known as a) executing b) Debugging c) Saving d) Compiling 70 / 90 70) 1 MB is approximately : a) 1024KB b) 100KB c) 1KB d) 1024bytes 71 / 90 71) Websites are hosted on___________computers on the Internet. a) Service provider b) Server c) Browser d) Client 72 / 90 72) Digital signal represents a sequence of values. a) Continuous. b) Discrete c) Bytes d) Unique 73 / 90 73) All of the following may be stored in registers EXCEPT: a) Memory addresses b) Program instructions c) Data d) CPU instruction set 74 / 90 74) Which of the following keyboard shortcuts is used to change the case? a) F3 b) Ctrl+F3 c) AIt+F3 d) Shitf+F3 75 / 90 75) The process of converting source code into object code,is knows as: a) Saving b) Compiling c) Linking d) Executing 76 / 90 76) Information technology is a combination of : a) Computing and Communication technology b) Computing and electrical technology c) Computing and mechatronics technology d) Computing and mechanical technology 77 / 90 77) Analog signal is measured in: a) Amplitude b) Hertz c) WATTS d) Volt 78 / 90 78) Typically, data transfer rate in LAN are of the order of: a) KiloBIt per second b) Terabit per second c) Bits per second d) Megabit persecond 79 / 90 79) Two types of display devices are____displays. a) Flat-panel and CRT b) Inkjet and Laser c) Stylus and puck d) Impact and non-impact 80 / 90 80) Which of the following is communications device a) UTP b) USB c) Router d) Ethernet 81 / 90 81) Mail services are available to network users through the_______layer. a) Transport b) Session c) Presentation d) Application 82 / 90 82) The primary difference between a LAN and a WAN is: a) The variety of hardware devices b) Distance c) The number of hardware devices d) The number of software programs available 83 / 90 83) Electronic banking is also known as: a) Global banking b) Offline banking c) Interactive banking d) Cyber banking 84 / 90 84) Two types of display devices are____displays. a) Impact and non-impact b) Flat-panel and CRT c) Stylus and puck d) Inkjet and Laser 85 / 90 85) Which of the following is a top-level domain? a) .com b) HTML c) http d) URL 86 / 90 86) The command used to move text from one document to another is: a) Replace b) Format c) Cut-and-Paste d) Edit 87 / 90 87) The layer is used to control how a bit-streams of data is sent and received over physical medium a) Session layer b) Presentation layer c) Physical layer d) transport layer 88 / 90 88) E ARPA stands for: a) Advanced Residential Programming Association b) American Rational Program Association c) Arizona’s Russian Program of Association d) Advanced Research Project Agency 89 / 90 89) The protocol used to send graphic and sound files as e-mail attachments is: a) FTP b) MPP c) MIME d) TCP/IP 90 / 90 90) All of the following are elements of data communication system EXCEPT: a) Receiver b) Voltage c) Medium d) Sender Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte {{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}Your submission failed. 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