Aiou Workshop 5403| Test 1 admin 3 years ago Spread the love /100 293 Aiou Workshop 5403| Test 1 1 / 100 1) A pixel might be displayed as: a) All b) Blue c) White d) Black 2 / 100 2) The process of modifying information system to meet changing needs is called : a) System modification b) System maintenance c) System upkeep d) System management 3 / 100 3) NIC allows direct connection to: a) Network b) Modem c) Printer d) Moniter 4 / 100 4) The network architecture that allows every computer to act as client as well as a server is: a) Host system b) Server System c) peer-to-peer d) Client/Server 5 / 100 5) TB stand for : a) Tera bit b) Test byte c) Tera base d) Tera byte 6 / 100 6) Which pointing device is commonly used for gaming. a) Touchpad b) Pointing stick c) Joystick d) Light pen 7 / 100 7) CPU is an example of : a) Language b) Software c) Hardware d) Program 8 / 100 8) A device used to connect similar networks is called: a) Bridge b) All c) Bus d) Gateway 9 / 100 9) De Jure means a) By luck b) By law c) By chance d) By fact 10 / 100 10) Printed images can be converted into digital from using: a) Keyboard b) Scanner c) Plotter d) Printer 11 / 100 11) The smallest unit of information in the computer is : a) Character b) Bit c) Byte d) Word 12 / 100 12) A major category of software is : a) System and development b) Application and design c) System and design d) Application and system 13 / 100 13) Which of the following is general type of input devices : a) Keyboard b) All c) Source data-entery devices d) Pointing devices 14 / 100 14) A common type of diagram in most project management software is : a) System flowchart b) CASE tool c) Gantt chart d) Data flow diagram 15 / 100 15) Which problem occurs when two workstations on shared Ethernet try to access LAN at the same time a) Termination b) Collision c) Accident d) Deadlock 16 / 100 16) Data shown on display unit or played through audio is called: a) Shared copy b) Hard copy c) Photocopy d) Soft copy 17 / 100 17) Which of the following is not a Secondary storage device : a) CD-ROM b) CPU c) DVD-ROM d) Hard disk 18 / 100 18) The type of reader commonly used to read bank checks is a (n). a) Bar.code reader b) Magnetic-ink character reader c) Bank check reader d) Optical-mark reader 19 / 100 19) In_______a node listens to bus for specified time and waits until node has completed transmission a) CSMA/DR b) CSMA/CR c) CSMA/CS d) CSMA/CD 20 / 100 20) Which layer is responsible to establish, maintain and terminate user connection a) Presentation b) Application c) Transport d) Session 21 / 100 21) The layer that defines the formats the data uses as it in transmitted on the communication line a) transport layer b) presentation layer c) Session layer d) physical layer 22 / 100 22) Terminal is a: a) Device to give power to computer b) Any input/output device c) Point where data leaves the computer d) The last instruction in a program 23 / 100 23) A pen-like device used to trace images on paper is called a. a) Joystick b) Pointing Stick c) Touch pad d) Stylus 24 / 100 24) In WAN, the communication software that allows a personal computer to appear as terminal is call a) Terminal emulation software b) Bulletin board system c) Electronic mail software d) Teleconferencing software 25 / 100 25) Which is a correct association between hardware device and component type : a) Keyboard-input b) CPU-storage c) Hard disk-output d) Mouse-processing 26 / 100 26) MB stand for : a) Mega Bit b) Mega Byte c) Magnetic Base d) Mechanical Base 27 / 100 27) Computer is a combination of : a) Knowledge b) software c) hardware d) Both a and b 28 / 100 28) OSI model was created by: a) IBM b) NESPAK c) ANSI d) ISO 29 / 100 29) Two types of display devices are____displays. a) Flat-panel and CRT b) Stylus and puck c) Inkjet and Laser d) Impact and non-impact 30 / 100 30) Project 802 defines standard for which layers of the OSI model: a) d. Network & data link layers b) Physical & session layers c) c. Transport & network layers d) Physical & data link layers 31 / 100 31) Testing of a program components is called : a) Pilot testing b) Unit testing c) Isolation testing d) System testing 32 / 100 32) A set of documents stored on computer permanently connected with Internet is: a) WWW b) Telnet c) FTP d) LAN 33 / 100 33) Mail services are available to network users through the_______layer. a) Transport b) Session c) Presentation d) Application 34 / 100 34) OSI reference model has: a) 5 layers b) 9 layers c) 7 layers d) 2 layers 35 / 100 35) Which device uses light to determine the location of pencil marks on sheets? a) Bar-code reader b) MICR c) Optical–mark reader d) Stylus 36 / 100 36) Which of the following can be used instead of mouse if desk space is limited : a) Pointing stick &Trackball b) Mouse c) Keyboard d) Scanner 37 / 100 37) What comes after the analysis phase in the SDLC : a) Implementation b) Support c) Testing d) Design 38 / 100 38) OMR stand for : a) Optical mark reader b) Optimum mark reader c) Optical mark radiation d) Optical map reader 39 / 100 39) A computer main function is to : a) Create data from information b) Convert information to storage c) Convert data into information d) Display data 40 / 100 40) A device that connect multiple network using similar or different protocol is: a) Router b) Modem c) LAN d) Ethernet 41 / 100 41) Laser printer is an example of: a) Impact b) Inkjet c) Non-Impact d) Dot Matrix 42 / 100 42) The electronic circuit that executes Computer instruction is called a(n) : a) Monitor b) Hard disk c) CPU d) Keyboard 43 / 100 43) Which of the following device is used to get soft copy output? a) Plotter b) Monitor c) Scanner d) Printer 44 / 100 44) A graphics tablet is commonly activated by. a) Trackball b) Finger c) Joystick d) Stylus 45 / 100 45) All of the following are properties of a monitor expect: a) Color b) Size c) Speed d) Resolution 46 / 100 46) Segmentation and reassembly is the responsibility of: a) 5th layer b) 4th layer c) 6th layer d) 3rd layer 47 / 100 47) The number of bits a computer can process at one time is sometimes called : a) Bit size b) Crunch capacity c) Word size d) Bit strength 48 / 100 48) The higher number of pixels means: a) Greater storage b) Sharper image c) Faster processing speed d) Greater cost saving 49 / 100 49) A set collection of a large number of computers all over world connected to one another is called a) Collection b) Group c) Interlink d) Internet 50 / 100 50) A combination of both client/server and peer-to-peer network is_______network a) Merged b) Dedicated c) Hybrid d) Mixed 51 / 100 51) Two types of display devices are____displays. a) Impact and non-impact b) Inkjet and Laser c) Stylus and puck d) Flat-panel and CRT 52 / 100 52) Information technology is a combination of : a) Computing and mechatronics technology b) Computing and Communication technology c) Computing and electrical technology d) Computing and mechanical technology 53 / 100 53) Star topology is less expensive than: a) Mesh b) All c) star d) Tree 54 / 100 54) Terminators are used in______ topology: a) Tree b) Mesh c) Star d) Bus 55 / 100 55) The process of training personnel to use the new systems is done during : a) Analysis b) Development c) Implementation d) Design 56 / 100 56) Which of the following method is used in data gathering step of Systems Analysis : a) Sampling b) Questionnaires c) All d) Interview 57 / 100 57) The speed of laser printer is measured in : a) Page per min b) Words per min c) Lines per min d) Character per sec 58 / 100 58) Which is a correct association between hardware device and component type : a) Stylus-storage b) Memory-processing c) Monitor-output d) Magnetic tape-input 59 / 100 59) All of the following are examples of pointing devices EXCEPT : a) Joystick b) Touch screen c) Keyboard d) Trackball 60 / 100 60) XGA supports the resolution up to: a) 1024×768 b) 640×400 c) 800×600 d) 640×480 61 / 100 61) An organized set of related components is called : a) SDLC b) Network c) System d) Processing 62 / 100 62) Which of the following is an impact printer : a) Daisy wheel printer b) Line printer c) All d) Dot-Matrix printer 63 / 100 63) Which type of printer operates most like a photocopy machine : a) Inkjet printer b) Dot-Matrix printer c) Line printer d) Laser printer 64 / 100 64) Multiple choice examination answer sheet can be evaluated automatically using : a) OMR b) Magnetic Stripe c) MICR d) OCR 65 / 100 65) Which protocol works on the concepts of ring topology and a token? a) TCP/IP b) Ethernet c) ARCnet d) Token Ring 66 / 100 66) Which of the following is an internet protocol? a) Ethernet b) Token Ring c) ARCnet d) TCP/IP 67 / 100 67) Pixel is short for a) Picture elements b) Pictuer enters c) Page edit d) Place edit 68 / 100 68) Which of the following tasks is not part of the systems analyst role : a) Planning b) Coordination c) Communication d) Programming 69 / 100 69) A network that places all nodes on a single cable is called: a) Bus b) none of these c) Tree d) Mesh 70 / 100 70) The type of conversion in which a subset of users migrate to new system while others continue to use a) Pilot b) Parallel c) Direct d) Phased 71 / 100 71) Defacto means: a) By nature b) By law c) By luck d) By fact 72 / 100 72) Which of the following keys is used to cancel an operation : a) Enter b) Pause c) Del d) Esc 73 / 100 73) Two dissimilar networks can be connected by a: a) a and b b) Bus c) Gateway d) Bridge 74 / 100 74) Which of the following is communications device a) Router b) UTP c) Ethernet d) USB 75 / 100 75) The electron beams are swept across a coating of____to display output on CRT screen: a) Silicon b) Phosphor c) Aluminum d) Metal oxide 76 / 100 76) Which operation is not performed by computer? a) Inputting b) Understanding c) Processing d) Controlling 77 / 100 77) The ITU was formerly known as: a) CCIT b) IBM c) ISO d) SNA 78 / 100 78) Application software is available in many forms except : a) Financial software b) Scientific software c) Device drivers d) Commercial software 79 / 100 79) A collection of computers connected together to share resources and informal called: a) Computer linking b) Computer Network c) Computer Interconnecting d) Computer sharing 80 / 100 80) The layer that is concerned with addressing and routing is called: a) Presentation b) Physical c) transport d) Network 81 / 100 81) Printers and monitors are common forms of : a) Output devices b) Input devices c) Processing devices d) Storage devices 82 / 100 82) The device driver is a type of : a) Application software b) Utility program c) System software d) Package software 83 / 100 83) In star topology, the central device is called: a) Node b) links c) Medium d) Hub 84 / 100 84) Caps lock is a : a) Window keys b) Toggle key c) Modifier key d) Cursor control key 85 / 100 85) A group of bits can represent : a) Characters b) Sounds c) All d) Colors 86 / 100 86) OSI stands for: a) Open System International b) Open Small Internet c) Open System Interlink d) Open system Interconnection 87 / 100 87) The most commonly used LAN protocol is: a) WiMax b) Ethernet c) ARCnet d) Token Ring 88 / 100 88) A computer network in which all computers have equal status and no one have control over others: a) Peer-to-peer b) Dedicated c) Client-server d) Client-to-client 89 / 100 89) How many bits are in one byte : a) 8 b) 2 c) 4 d) 3 90 / 100 90) The meaning of the value of a bit is : a) Zero or One b) On or Off c) All d) Zero or One 91 / 100 91) 1 Megabyte (MB) =__ bytes : a) 2×30 b) 2×20 c) 2×10 d) 2×40 92 / 100 92) Which of the following topologies uses routers? a) Tree b) star c) bus d) Mesh 93 / 100 93) Which of the following is NOT an example of System software : a) MS-Word b) Drives c) Operating system d) Utility program 94 / 100 94) Layer that is responsible for transferring frames is a) Session layer b) Data link layer c) transport layer d) Presentation layer 95 / 100 95) What layer of OSI models performs data compression? a) Physical layer b) Transport layer c) Session layer d) Presentation layer 96 / 100 96) A printer is needed to: a) Create word files b) Create softcopy of the document c) Create PDF files d) Create hardcopy of document 97 / 100 97) Each computer on a network is called a: a) Node b) Link c) Code d) Mode 98 / 100 98) How may types of graphic cards are available in market? a) 5 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 99 / 100 99) MAN stands for: a) Massive Area Networks b) Metropolitan area network c) Marked area network d) Metropolitan arranged network 100 / 100 100) The resolution of a monitor depends on: a) Number of pixels displayed b) Dot pitch of the monitor c) All d) Number of bits representing a pixel Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte {{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}Your submission failed. 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