Aiou Workshop 5403| Test 4 admin 3 years ago Spread the love /100 99 Aiou Workshop 5403| Test 4 1 / 100 1) Segmentation and reassembly is the responsibility of: a) 5th layer b) 4th layer c) 3rd layer d) 6th layer 2 / 100 2) EBCDIC is a a) .6-bit b) 8-bit c) 7-bit d) 4-bit 3 / 100 3) Sound,light and radio waves are examples of a) Pulse b) Green c) Digital d) Analog 4 / 100 4) Which type of network covers a small area? a) WAN b) NAN c) LAN d) MAN 5 / 100 5) FTP facility is used to: a) File Transfer b) Check PC c) Transfer protocol d) Connect to internet 6 / 100 6) The companies that use networks can save time and money because network allow users to share: a) Information b) Hardware Devices c) Software Program d) ALL 7 / 100 7) The layer lies between the network layer and the application layer a) physical layer b) Transport layer c) Presentation layer d) Session layer 8 / 100 8) Television and radio broadcasts are examples of: a) Half-duplex transmission b) Full-duplex transmission c) .Duplex transmission d) Simplex transmission 9 / 100 9) What layer of OSI models performs data compression? a) Session layer b) Presentation layer c) Physical layer d) Transport layer 10 / 100 10) All of the following are elements of data communication system EXCEPT: a) Voltage b) Receiver c) Medium d) Sender 11 / 100 11) Transmission media are usually categorized as_ a) Good and bad b) Guided or unguided c) Fixed or unfixed d) Baseband and broadband 12 / 100 12) Which of the following is the insulation on a fiber-optic cable? a) Housing b) . Braiding c) Sheathing d) Cladding 13 / 100 13) The second layer of OSI model is a) Presentation layer b) Session layer c) Data link layer d) transport layer 14 / 100 14) The process of transferring data electronically from one place to another is caled a) Data communication b) Data Sequence c) NIC d) Data processing 15 / 100 15) Transmission that is used without timing signal is called: a) Synchronous b) Isochronous c) Asynchronous d) Parallel 16 / 100 16) Most data .transmitted over telephone lines uses:. a) Parallel transmission b) Direct transmission c) Serial transmission d) Sequential transmission 17 / 100 17) A network that transmits data over citywide distance faster than LAN is: a) LAN b) WAN c) NAN d) MAN 18 / 100 18) A combination of both client/server and peer-to-peer network is_______network a) Dedicated b) Hybrid c) Merged d) Mixed 19 / 100 19) The’transmission in which data can be received and. sent simultaneously is called: a) Duplex b) Full-duplex c) Simplex d) Half-duplex 20 / 100 20) Which LAN access method resolves the contention between two or more nodes by collision detection a) CSMA/CS b) CSMA/CR c) CSMA/DR d) CSMA/CD 21 / 100 21) Terminators are used in______ topology: a) Star b) Bus c) Mesh d) Tree 22 / 100 22) A device used to connect similar networks is called: a) Bridge b) Bus c) Gateway d) All 23 / 100 23) Which of the following is not a communication media? a) Modem b) Fiber optic c) Microwave d) Twisted Pair 24 / 100 24) ASCII code was.developed by: a) Full-duplex b) Duplex c) ANSI.. d) Simplex transmission 25 / 100 25) The number of frequencies that can fit on a link at one time is called: a) Modulation b) Demodulation c) Codec d) Bandwidth 26 / 100 26) The time taken by a data signal to reach to moon and then back to earth was about: a) 2 minutes b) 2 ms c) 2-second d) 2 hours 27 / 100 27) A type of communication that sends data using flow control to synchronize data between sender a) Isochronous b) .2 c) Asynchronous transmission d) Synchronous transmission 28 / 100 28) The top most layer of the OSI is called: a) Application b) transport c) Session d) Presentation 29 / 100 29) In_______a node listens to bus for specified time and waits until node has completed transmission a) CSMA/CD b) CSMA/DR c) CSMA/CS d) CSMA/CR 30 / 100 30) Full-duplex communication is made. possible by the.devices known as: a) Multiplexer: b) ..Keyboard. c) .Mouse d) Modem 31 / 100 31) Terminal is a: a) Any input/output device b) The last instruction in a program c) Point where data leaves the computer d) Device to give power to computer 32 / 100 32) The types.of signals can be: a) Digital b) Analog c) Analog d) Digital and Analog 33 / 100 33) The network that connects different campuses of a college in city is an example of: a) MAN b) NAN c) WAN d) LAN 34 / 100 34) Which of the following consists of two insulated copper wires twisted together? a) Coaxial cables b) Submarine c) Twisted-pair wire d) Fiber optic 35 / 100 35) How many devices can exist between a sending and receiving host? a) 1 b) Any. c) 10 d) 2 36 / 100 36) How many characters ASCII 8-bit code can represent? a) 128 b) 364 c) 256 d) 500 37 / 100 37) Which of the following topology is used by Ethernet protocol? a) Band b) Bus c) Mesh d) Ring 38 / 100 38) Which of the following can severally affect the quality of satellite transmission? a) Light rays b) Moon c) Bad weather d) Mountains 39 / 100 39) The number of times a wave repeats during a specific time interval is called a) Frequency b) Amplitude c) Phase d) Frequency 40 / 100 40) Which of the following is NOT a type of protocol? a) FTP b) Ethernet c) CCIT d) ARCnet 41 / 100 41) Which of the following transmission media is used in LAN? a) Microwave b) Satellite c) Coaxial cable d) Telephone line 42 / 100 42) The services on the Internet include a) E-MAIL b) FTP c) WWW d) ALL 43 / 100 43) All of the following are guided communications media EXCEPT: a) Twisted pair b) Coaxial cable c) Fiber-optic cable d) Satellite 44 / 100 44) Which of the following features is provided with a modem? a) Self-testing b) All c) Transmission rate d) Speeds 45 / 100 45) The process of converting a digital signal to an analog signal is called: a) Modulation b) Merging c) Conversion d) Demodulation 46 / 100 46) The signals produced by a computer to send over phone line must be converted to: a) Digital b) Low c) High d) Analog 47 / 100 47) Ethernet, Token bus and Token Ring have been defined by: a) Microsoft b) CCIT c) IEEE d) ISO 48 / 100 48) Which of the following coding schemes uses 4-bit code? a) EBCDIC b) BCD c) Unicode d) ASCII. 49 / 100 49) Internet surfing is an example of: a) .Full duplex transmission b) Duplex transmission. c) Half duplex transmission d) Frequency 50 / 100 50) A collection of computers connected together to share resources and informal called: a) Computer Interconnecting b) Computer Network c) Computer sharing d) Computer linking 51 / 100 51) Which is the most common LAN topology? a) Mesh b) Tree c) Bus d) Star 52 / 100 52) Which of the following is NOT a benefit of computer networks? a) Reduce hardware costs b) Enable shared applications c) Connect people d) Produce high quality programs 53 / 100 53) What is another term for unguided media? a) Wire. b) Radiated c) Infrared d) Unbounded 54 / 100 54) Project 802 defines standard for which layers of the OSI model: a) Physical & session layers b) d. Network & data link layers c) Physical & data link layers d) c. Transport & network layers 55 / 100 55) In a typical LAN, each computer on the network is connected through: a) Satellite b) Cables c) Microwaves d) Phone 56 / 100 56) What binary bits are used to encode digital data? a) 1s b) Os and 1s. c) Os d) .0 to 9 57 / 100 57) How many pairs of computers can simultaneously communicate on Ethernet LAN? a) 2 b) 3 c) Multiple d) 1 58 / 100 58) .Which transmission type transmits data one character at a time a) Synchronous b) Parallel: c) Ethernet. d) Asynchronous 59 / 100 59) Which multiplexing technique shifts each signal to a different carrier frequency? a) TTD b) FDM c) DFM d) TDM 60 / 100 60) How many characters can Unicode represcnt? a) 10,000 b) 500 c) 15,000 d) 65,536 61 / 100 61) The number of times a wave repeats during a specific time interval is called a) Frequency b) Amplitude c) Phase d) Frequency 62 / 100 62) Start/stop bits are not required in this type of transmission. a) .Asynchronous b) Monochronous c) .Isochronous d) Synchronous 63 / 100 63) In the OSI model, encryption and decryption are functions of the________? a) Application layer b) Session layer c) presentation layer d) transport layer 64 / 100 64) OSI reference model has: a) 7 layers b) 9 layers c) 5 layers d) 2 layers 65 / 100 65) Typically, data transfer rate in LAN are of the order of: a) KiloBIt per second b) Megabit persecond c) Bits per second d) Terabit per second 66 / 100 66) The height of wave within a given period of time is known as: a) Pulse b) Amplitude c) Frequency d) Phase 67 / 100 67) A fiber-optic cable’s core is measured in: a) Centimeters b) Microns c) AWG d) Inches 68 / 100 68) LAN stands for: a) Land Area Node b) Land Area Network c) Local Area Network d) Linked Area Network 69 / 100 69) The process of transferring a file from our own computer to the remote computer on a network: a) Pasting b) Downloading c) Uploading d) Sharing 70 / 100 70) The bottem most layer of the OSI is called: a) Presentation b) Physical c) Session d) transport 71 / 100 71) Digital signals are commonly known as: a) Band b) Broadband c) Baseband d) Narrowband 72 / 100 72) A collection of related web pages is called: a) Downloading b) Linking c) Web Pages d) Uploading 73 / 100 73) The communication across WAN occurs using: a) Any b) Satellite links c) Telephone Line d) Microwaves 74 / 100 74) Which of the following code can represent up to 65,536 symbols? a) ASCII b) EBCDIC c) BCD d) Unicode 75 / 100 75) In _________topology, the entire network goes down if the backbone cable fails a) Ring b) Mesh c) Tree d) Bus 76 / 100 76) NIC allows direct connection to: a) Moniter b) Modem c) Network d) Printer 77 / 100 77) .The conversation over a walkie-talkie radio is-an example of: a) Duplex transmission b) Full-duplex transmission c) Half-duplex transmission. d) Simplex transmission 78 / 100 78) Data link layer lies between the physical layer and the_______layer a) Presentation b) Transport c) Network d) Session 79 / 100 79) Analog signal is measured in: a) Volt b) WATTS c) Hertz d) Amplitude 80 / 100 80) Route determination can be identified by: a) Presentation layer b) Network layer c) Session layer d) transport layer 81 / 100 81) The_________layer is the layer closest to the transmission medium a) Presentation b) transport c) Physical d) Session 82 / 100 82) Digital signal represents a sequence of values. a) Bytes b) Unique c) Continuous. d) Discrete 83 / 100 83) The communication channels can be divided into_categories: a) Eight b) Seven c) Four d) Two 84 / 100 84) Each computer on a network is called a: a) Node b) Link c) Mode d) Code 85 / 100 85) The physical layout of a network is known as: a) Style b) Link c) Topology d) Session 86 / 100 86) How many characters ASCII 7-bit code can represent? a) 364 b) 500 c) 128 d) 256 87 / 100 87) The message sent on a ____ network can take any of several possible paths from source to destination a) Mesh b) Star c) Tree d) Ring 88 / 100 88) How many types of network standard are there a) 4 b) 16 c) 8 d) 2 89 / 100 89) The ITU was formerly known as: a) CCIT b) IBM c) SNA d) ISO 90 / 100 90) Data is transmitted block by block in: . a) Analog transmission b) Asynchronous transmission c) Isochronous transmission d) Synchronous transmission 91 / 100 91) Which medium transmits voice and data via air as high-frequency radio waves? a) Microwave b) Coaxial cable c) Fiber-optic cable d) Twisted pair 92 / 100 92) A LAN protocol in which all computers and devices on the network pass a special signal known as: a) ARCnet b) TCP/IP c) Ethernet d) Token 93 / 100 93) A set collection of a large number of computers all over the world connected to one another is a) Interlink b) Internet 94 / 100 94) Which kind of signal is mostly required by telephone lines? a) Digital b) Analog c) Low d) High 95 / 100 95) Which of the following is not a:data communication mode? a) Simplex Half-duplex b) Half-duplex c) Full-duplex. d) Auto. 96 / 100 96) A device that is used to connect two computers using telephone line is called: a) Graphic Card b) Ethernet Card c) Sound Card d) Modem 97 / 100 97) A LAN is a combination of: a) LAN software b) Network card c) ALL d) LAN cables 98 / 100 98) Mail services are available to network users through the_______layer. a) Transport b) Presentation c) Session d) Application 99 / 100 99) Which modem is used to transmit data signals through air instead of cable? a) Internal b) All c) External d) Wireless 100 / 100 100) A device that connect multiple network using similar or different protocol is: a) Ethernet b) LAN c) Modem d) Router Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte {{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}Your submission failed. 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