Quiz 4 date 06/01/2023 admin 3 years ago Spread the love 0% 0 Quiz no 4 1 / 100 1) DARPA stands for: a) Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency b) Dared Association of Republic Partition c) Defensive Association of Russian Policy with America d) Defensive Advanced Regional Political Agency 2 / 100 2) Which of the following can be used instead of mouse if desk space is limited : a) Pointing stick &Trackball b) Keyboard c) Mouse d) Scanner 3 / 100 3) Which of the following converts digital signals to analog and analog to digital? a) Modem b) . Multiplexer c) . Codec d) Repeater 4 / 100 4) Which of the following is determined by video display adapters: a) Number of colors b) Speed with which image appear on screen c) Resolution d) All 5 / 100 5) EBCDIC is a a) 7-bit b) 8-bit c) 4-bit d) .6-bit 6 / 100 6) Additional data and program not being used by CPU are stored in : a) CPU b) Secondary storage c) Input devices d) Output devices 7 / 100 7) Cache memory works between: a) CPU and RAM b) RAM and ROM c) CPU and Hard Disk d) MMU and Hard disk 8 / 100 8) A set collection of a large number of computers all over the world connected to one another is a) Interlink b) Internet 9 / 100 9) The hardware component that permanently holds data and program is called : a) Output b) Primary storage c) CPU d) Secondary storage 10 / 100 10) Which of the following technique uses modulation? a) Bandwidth b) Baseband c) Bitband d) Broadband. 11 / 100 11) 1 MB is approximately : a) 1KB b) 1024bytes c) 100KB d) 1024KB 12 / 100 12) An unwanted message sent through e-mail is called: a) Attachment b) Hoax c) Junk d) Virus 13 / 100 13) The electronic circuit that executes Computer instruction is called a(n) : a) CPU b) Hard disk c) Keyboard d) Monitor 14 / 100 14) 1 Kilobyte (KB) =__ bytes : a) 2×30 b) 2×20 c) 2×40 d) 2×10 15 / 100 15) Data link have two separate sub-layers known as: a) LLC and MAC b) CS And MA c) Ethernet d) TOKEN and RING 16 / 100 16) Which of the following is the first phase of SDLC : a) Coding b) Analysis c) Design d) Preliminary investigation 17 / 100 17) Another word for pointer : a) Pixel b) Puck c) Chip d) Cursor 18 / 100 18) The technology of long-distance communication is known as: a) Telegraphy b) Telecommunications c) Telephony d) Mass communication 19 / 100 19) Which type of modem can be added to the system unit through expansion slot? a) Internal b) All c) External d) Wireless 20 / 100 20) Data processing is also known as : a) Procedure b) Computing c) Merging d) Knowledge 21 / 100 21) EEPROM stand for a) Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory b) Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory c) Electrically Enriched Programmable Read Only Memory d) Easily Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory 22 / 100 22) Which register holds base location of all executable instructions in the program? a) CS b) ES c) SS d) DS 23 / 100 23) Which of the following keys is used to cancel an operation : a) Enter b) Esc c) Pause d) Del 24 / 100 24) What type of device translates data into a form that we can understand? a) Storage b) Output c) Input d) Network 25 / 100 25) Printed images can be converted into digital from using: a) Scanner b) Printer c) Keyboard d) Plotter 26 / 100 26) .The conversation over a walkie-talkie radio is-an example of: a) Duplex transmission b) Half-duplex transmission. c) Full-duplex transmission d) Simplex transmission 27 / 100 27) LAN stands for: a) Local Area Network b) Land Area Network c) Land Area Node d) Linked Area Network 28 / 100 28) Data can be erased using ultraviolet rays written on: a) EPROM b) EEPROM c) PROM d) RAM 29 / 100 29) A collection of documents stored on computes permanently connected with Internet around the worl a) Telnet b) WWW c) Email d) FTP 30 / 100 30) Defacto means: a) By luck b) By fact c) By nature d) By law 31 / 100 31) Satellite transmission stations that can both send and receive messages are called: a) Jupiter stations b) Moon stations c) Mars stations d) Earth stations 32 / 100 32) Which of the following contains permanent IP address? a) User b) NIC c) Server d) Client 33 / 100 33) The most familiar input device for computer is : a) Graphics tablet b) Keyboard c) Monitor d) Scanner 34 / 100 34) The time taken by a data signal to reach to moon and then back to earth was about: a) 2 minutes b) 2 ms c) 2-second d) 2 hours 35 / 100 35) Computers derive its basic strength from: a) Accuracy b) Speed c) Memory d) All 36 / 100 36) A collection of related web pages is called: a) Downloading b) Web Pages c) Uploading d) Linking 37 / 100 37) Specifications on how the system willsatisfy its requirements are created during : a) Development b) Implementation c) Design d) Analysis 38 / 100 38) Which of the following technologies is used in flat-panel display screens? a) LCD b) EL c) Gas-plasma d) All 39 / 100 39) The electron beams are swept across a coating of____to display output on CRT screen: a) Metal oxide b) Silicon c) Aluminum d) Phosphor 40 / 100 40) An IP address is normally expressed as four octets separated with: a) Dotted octal number b) Dotted decimal number c) Dotted binary number d) Dotted hex number 41 / 100 41) The binary number 0 and 1 is represented by a : a) Bit b) Character c) Word d) Byte 42 / 100 42) The layer lies between the network layer and the application layer a) Session layer b) Transport layer c) Presentation layer d) physical layer 43 / 100 43) An example of a pointing device used with portable computers is: a) Touchpad b) Pointing stick c) All d) Trackball 44 / 100 44) A lab with twenty computers and a laser printer is an example_____ of area network a) Limited b) Line c) Little d) Local 45 / 100 45) Which of the following is NOT a coding scheme to represent data in computer? a) EBCDIC b) Unicode c) ASCII d) Bilateral code 46 / 100 46) URL stands for: a) Universal Resource Locator b) Uniform Resource Locator c) Universal Research Limit d) United Russian Language 47 / 100 47) Sending and receiving messages electronically is known as a) Online shopping b) E-commerce c) Browsing d) E-mail 48 / 100 48) Which is a correct association between hardware device and component type : a) Keyboard-input b) Mouse-processing c) Hard disk-output d) CPU-storage 49 / 100 49) Route determination can be identified by: a) Presentation layer b) transport layer c) Session layer d) Network layer 50 / 100 50) The ITU was formerly known as: a) SNA b) IBM c) ISO d) CCIT 51 / 100 51) Which of the following is NOT an example of System software : a) Utility program b) Drives c) MS-Word d) Operating system 52 / 100 52) Web pages are written in which type of language? a) HTML b) SQL c) Assembly d) HP 53 / 100 53) Expansion cards are inserted into: a) Buses b) Plugs c) CPU d) Slots 54 / 100 54) Which of the following is valid Website Address? a) %VW . hello b) it4.com c) ww.hello.com d) www.it.com 55 / 100 55) An advantage of synchronous over asynchronous transmission is: a) Speed b) Simplicity c) Two-way d) Error checking 56 / 100 56) The name of screen clarity: a) Resolution b) Pixel c) Density d) Picture quality 57 / 100 57) Television and radio broadcasts are examples of: a) Simplex transmission b) Full-duplex transmission c) .Duplex transmission d) Half-duplex transmission 58 / 100 58) Which device is used to capture video using standard analog camcorder or VCR: a) Video digitizer b) Video captures card c) Image recorder d) Digital camcorder 59 / 100 59) A set collection of a large number of computers all over world connected to one another is called a) Internet b) Interlink c) Group d) Collection 60 / 100 60) The World Wide Web was introduced in: a) 1989 b) 2000 c) 1960s d) Mid-1970s 61 / 100 61) Which register is used for arithmetic and data operations? a) AX b) CX c) BX d) DX 62 / 100 62) The message sent on a ____ network can take any of several possible paths from source to destination a) Ring b) Mesh c) Tree d) Star 63 / 100 63) Computer cannot boot if it does not have: a) Interpreter b) Linker c) Compiler d) Operating System 64 / 100 64) Cache memory is: a) Faster than RAM b) Slower than RAM & Smaller than RAM c) Slower than RAM d) Smaller than RAM 65 / 100 65) The smallest unit of information in the computer is : a) Byte b) Bit c) Character d) Word 66 / 100 66) Information technology is a combination of : a) Computing and electrical technology b) Computing and mechanical technology c) Computing and mechatronics technology d) Computing and Communication technology 67 / 100 67) Transmission from a satellite to its earth-based station is called: a) Downlink b) Baselink c) Uplink d) Geolink 68 / 100 68) The idea of storing a program in memory was given by: a) John von Neumann and his team b) Dr. Abdul Salam and his team c) none of these d) Dr. Qadir and his team 69 / 100 69) The top most layer of the OSI is called: a) Presentation b) transport c) Session d) Application 70 / 100 70) A type of reader commonly used to reader UPC is called. a) Bar-code reader & Optical-mark reader b) Magnetic-ink character reader c) Optical-mark reader d) MCCR reader 71 / 100 71) The size of EAX register can be up to: a) 4 KB b) 8 bytes c) 4 bit d) 4 bytes 72 / 100 72) OSI reference model has: a) 9 layers b) 5 layers c) 2 layers d) 7 layers 73 / 100 73) Which communication technique can transmit the data over long distance? a) Bitband b) Bandwidth c) Baseband d) Broadband 74 / 100 74) Which of the following is NOT a category of network? a) NAN b) MAN c) WAN d) LAN 75 / 100 75) A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language at one time is called: a) Commander b) Compiler c) Simulator d) Interpreter 76 / 100 76) People on LAN can share: a) disk driver b) modem c) ALL d) printer 77 / 100 77) TB is approximately : a) 1024GB b) 1024MB c) 100MB d) 1000KB 78 / 100 78) Which of the following is NOT a network topology? a) Star b) Bus c) Band d) Tree 79 / 100 79) All of the following are guided communications media EXCEPT: a) Coaxial cable b) Satellite c) Fiber-optic cable d) Twisted pair 80 / 100 80) A device that connect multiple network using similar or different protocol is: a) Modem b) Ethernet c) LAN d) Router 81 / 100 81) The types.of signals can be: a) Digital and Analog b) Digital c) Analog d) Analog 82 / 100 82) All of the following are examples of pointing devices EXCEPT : a) Keyboard b) Touch screen c) Trackball d) Joystick 83 / 100 83) PTCL is a: a) Search engine b) Internet c) Web browser d) ISP 84 / 100 84) Testing of a program components is called : a) Isolation testing b) Pilot testing c) Unit testing d) System testing 85 / 100 85) TCP/IP stands for a) Transfered Collector Protocol/Internet Protocol b) Transitional Covered Protocol/Internet Protocol c) Transfer Collected protocol/International protocol d) Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol 86 / 100 86) The operation of arithmetic and logic unit is directed by: a) Processor b) ALU itself c) Memory Unit d) Control unit 87 / 100 87) Monitors differ in: a) All b) Size c) Standard d) Resolution 88 / 100 88) Caps lock is a : a) Cursor control key b) Window keys c) Modifier key d) Toggle key 89 / 100 89) DFD stand for : a) Data Flow Design b) Data Flow Diagram c) Digital Flow Diagram d) Data Definition Diagram 90 / 100 90) The memory cells are logically organized into group of: a) 12 bits b) 24 bits c) 8 bits d) 5bits 91 / 100 91) Which of the following topologies uses routers? a) Mesh b) Tree c) bus d) star 92 / 100 92) The quality of printers is measured in: a) Lines per second (lps) b) Dots per inch (dpi) c) Character per second (cps) d) Pages per minute (ppm) 93 / 100 93) Data is transmitted block by block in: . a) Asynchronous transmission b) Analog transmission c) Synchronous transmission d) Isochronous transmission 94 / 100 94) .Which transmission type transmits data one character at a time a) Ethernet. b) Synchronous c) Parallel: d) Asynchronous 95 / 100 95) Which portion of the URL is the domain name? a) www b) :// c) http d) microsoft.com 96 / 100 96) Which of the following tasks is not part of the systems analyst role : a) Communication b) Programming c) Planning d) Coordination 97 / 100 97) Which type of bus transmits control signal like ACKS? a) Control bus b) Data bus c) Serial bus d) Address bus 98 / 100 98) Which of the following is faster printer : a) Laser b) Daisy wheel c) Dot-Matrix d) Inkjet 99 / 100 99) The arithmetic/logic unit can perform a) subtraction b) Multiplication c) Addition d) All 100 / 100 100) The most commonly used LAN protocol is: a) Ethernet b) ARCnet c) WiMax d) Token Ring Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte {{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}Your submission failed. 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