Spread the love/100 108 Aiou Workshop 5403| Test 6 1 / 100 1) An IDE stands for: a) Integrated Development Environment b) Input Desktop environment c) Input data error d) Internal disk error 2 / 100 2) This is a complete instruction that causes the computer to perform some action: a) Keyword b) Line c) Statement d) None 3 / 100 3) The programmer usually enters source code into a computer using a) Linker b) Text editor c) Debugger d) Compiler 4 / 100 4) For every opening brace in a C program, there must be a: a) Colon b) None c) Comma d) Closing brace 5 / 100 5) B was developed in the year: a) 1965-1975 b) 1972-1988 c) 1992-1996 d) 1969-70 6 / 100 6) The statements written by the programmer are called: a) Syntax b) Source code c) None d) Object code 7 / 100 7) Security protection for personal computers includes: a) Software b) Locks and cables c) Internal components d) All of these 8 / 100 8) Which of the following is an authentication methodology? a) PIN b) Biometrics c) Piracy d) Access cards 9 / 100 9) void occupy how many bytes in memory? a) 0 b) 3 c) 2 d) 1 10 / 100 10) Turbo C++ can compile a) C programs only b) C and C++ programs c) Turbo C Programs only d) Turbo C++ Programs only 11 / 100 11) Which of the following syntax is used to include header file? a) Both a or b b) # include "name of the header file" c) None of these d) #include 12 / 100 12) Which of the following reason causes the syntax error a) Missing statement terminator b) All c) using a variable without declaration d) Missing any of the delimiters 13 / 100 13) Most computer crime are committed by: a) Hackers b) Computer operators c) International spies d) Highly paid computer consultant 14 / 100 14) Division by zero (e.g. 2/ 0) is an example a) Logic error b) None c) Run-time error d) Run-time error 15 / 100 15) The name of header file is written between: a) <> b) ( ) c) {} 16 / 100 16) FormatC is an example of: a) Logic Bomb b) Chernobal c) Boot sector d) Trojan horse 17 / 100 17) Another name for antivirus is: a) DES b) Vaccine c) Trojan horse d) Logic Bomb 18 / 100 18) The [ascetic] militant Chinese have gone straight to the roots of the problems. a) secular b) trained c) religious d) professional 19 / 100 19) A statement that starts with a # is called a: a) Keyword b) Comment c) Preprocessor directive d) None 20 / 100 20) Compiled programs typically, execute faster because: a) Compiled programs are read and executed a line at a time b) Compiled programs are already in a machine-readable form. c) None of the above d) Compiled programs do not require any data 21 / 100 21) Which malicious program is activated when a specific set of conditions are met? a) Logic bomb b) Trojan horse c) Worm d) Virus 22 / 100 22) computer programs are also known as: a) None b) Software c) Procedure d) Hardware 23 / 100 23) Which of the following language requires no translator to execute the program? a) Assembly language b) Machine language c) C d) C++ 24 / 100 24) Which of the following is a compiler directive? a) All b) main ( ) c) Using namespace std; d) #include 25 / 100 25) Making illegal copies of copyrighted software is called: a) Software hacking b) Software Browsing c) Software piracy d) Software distribution 26 / 100 26) An IDE typically consists of: a) All b) Compiler c) Text editor d) Debugger 27 / 100 27) The expression in define directive: a) Cannot be assigned a value b) Cannot be changed c) Can only be changed at the end of the program d) Can not be changed but can be redefined 28 / 100 28) Computer virus is simply a: a) Type of bacteria b) A disease c) Set of computer instructions or code d) Hardware component 29 / 100 29) Which of the following errors are NOT detected by compiler? a) Syntax error b) Logical error c) Both a and b d) None 30 / 100 30) A well-defined set of instructions given to the computer is called: a) None b) Hardware c) Bug d) Software 31 / 100 31) The processing of running an executable file is known as a) Compiling b) executing c) Debugging d) Saving 32 / 100 32) A person who gains illegal access to a computer system is called: a) Network controller b) Computer operator c) Hacker d) Authorized person 33 / 100 33) C statements end with a: a) Period b) semicolon c) semicolon d) None 34 / 100 34) Mistakes that cause a running program to produce incorrect results are called: a) Syntax error b) Program error c) None d) Logic error 35 / 100 35) Which of the following one is not a virus? a) Reflof b) Logic Bomb c) MCAfee d) Trojan Horse 36 / 100 36) conio stands for: a) Console input output b) Complex input output c) Character input output d) Common input output 37 / 100 37) An additional or spare copy of data stored on storage media is call: a) Copying of Data b) Additional data c) Moving of Data d) Backup of data 38 / 100 38) Trojan Horse is a type of: a) Virus b) Antivirus c) Horse d) Software 39 / 100 39) A spelling error (e.g. typing intt instead of int) is an example of: a) None b) Syntax error c) Logic error d) Run-time error 40 / 100 40) How a virus reaches from one computer to another? a) Exchange of printer b) Exchange of keyboard c) Exchange of display screen d) Data is exchanged between computers 41 / 100 41) McAfee is an example of: a) Worm b) Antivirus c) Virus d) Hacker 42 / 100 42) Which of the following language provided the basis for the development C a) Java b) B c) C++ d) Pascal 43 / 100 43) Debug is the process of: a) Removing Errors b) Identifying Errors c) Identifying and removing errors d) Creating bugs in program 44 / 100 44) Writing programs in machine language is: a) Less time-consuming b) None c) Less tedious d) Both a and c 45 / 100 45) Which of the following is not an antivirus program? a) Norton b) Redlof c) Avast d) McAfee 46 / 100 46) What does the following code print on screen? printf(‘hello’); a) hello b) HELLO c) Hello d) None 47 / 100 47) Which of the following does not contain machine language code? a) Source module b) Library module c) None d) Object module 48 / 100 48) which of the following language Is ideal to write business application a) None b) BASIC c) PASCAL d) COBOL 49 / 100 49) stdio.h is part of: a) main function b) C standard library c) Comment section d) Compiler 50 / 100 50) Which of the following components is used to convert first.c to first.exe? a) None b) compiler & linker c) header & linker d) compiler & header 51 / 100 51) The process of identifying and removing errors in the programs is called: a) Processing b) debugging c) Executing d) None 52 / 100 52) Which of the following is not a biometric technique: a) Badge b) Retina c) Face d) Palm print 53 / 100 53) The process of linking library files with object cod is known as: a) Executing b) Linking c) Saving d) Compiler 54 / 100 54) Which of the following key is used to load a program it memory to run? a) CTRL+F9 b) ALT+F9 c) ALT+F5 d) CTRL+S 55 / 100 55) A set of rules that must be followed to develop a program is called: a) Bug b) Syntax c) Preprocessor d) Debug 56 / 100 56) The restricted access to the server computer room is a form of: a) Physical security b) Enterprise security c) Logical security d) User security 57 / 100 57) Which of the following is NOT an example of a program bug? a) Operator error b) Logic error c) Syntax error d) Run-time error 58 / 100 58) Choose the program that translates and executes one line of source code at a time. a) Assembler b) interpreter c) compiler d) None 59 / 100 59) which one of the following translates source code to object code as a whole a) Interpreter b) None c) Compiler d) Assembler 60 / 100 60) Software that is available free for a limited period is called: a) vertical b) Freeware c) Shareware d) Groupware 61 / 100 61) Protecting computers and the information they contain against unwanted access is called: a) Audit control b) Electronic policing c) Computer security d) Computer monitoring 62 / 100 62) Which of the following is harmful for computers? a) Shareware b) Antivirus c) Freeware d) Virus 63 / 100 63) The right to use the software on the computer is called: a) Intellectual property right b) Software copyright c) Software piracy d) Site License 64 / 100 64) C was developed in the year:1972 a) 1973 b) 1970 c) 1972 d) 1971 65 / 100 65) The extension of an executable file is: a) .exe b) .ext c) .xls d) .doc 66 / 100 66) A set of illegal instructions inserted into a legitimate computer program is called: a) Bomb b) Trojan horse c) Worm d) Trapdoor 67 / 100 67) Which of the following key is used to save a file? a) F2 b) F9 c) F3 d) F5 68 / 100 68) A type of language in which instructions are written in binary form is called: a) Assembly language b) High level language c) Machine language d) None 69 / 100 69) Which term is commonly used to refer to software or program errors: a) Crash b) Short circuit c) Down d) Bug 70 / 100 70) Which of the following viruses executes when starting the computer? a) Salami shaving b) Macro c) File infector d) Boot sector 71 / 100 71) The secrets word or number used for protection is called: a) Biometric data b) Passwords c) Private words d) Backup 72 / 100 72) main is a a) Function b) Expression c) Compiler directive d) Comment 73 / 100 73) which Program that translates assembly language code to machine code a) Translator b) Converter c) Debugger d) Assembler 74 / 100 74) which header file contains information about standard input/ output functions? a) math.h b) stdio.h c) None d) Both a and b 75 / 100 75) A type of error that occurs when an instruction violates the rules programs is called: a) None b) Runtime error c) Program error d) Syntax error 76 / 100 76) A special program that can detect and remove viruses from computer is called: a) Groupware b) Anti-Virus c) Virus d) Custom 77 / 100 77) What does the # sign indicate in an instruction of C language? a) Instruction for compiler b) None c) Instruction for linker d) Instruction for user 78 / 100 78) Which file contains the program after translation into machine language a) Object file b) exe file c) None d) Source file 79 / 100 79) The virus which deletes MS Office files and disk partition information is called: a) Book sector b) Trojan horse c) Logic Bomb d) Chernobyl 80 / 100 80) The extension of object file is: a) .obj b) .exe c) .c d) .h 81 / 100 81) Who developed C? a) Charles Babbage b) Dennis Ritchie c) Von-Neumann d) Al- Khuwarizmi 82 / 100 82) Who is responsible of security of online data? a) LAN Administrator b) User c) Internet Service provider d) Organization obtaining the data 83 / 100 83) The output of the compiler is called: a) Library code b) Source code c) Object code d) Linked code 84 / 100 84) Another name for free software is: a) Copy protected software b) Shareware c) Encrypted software d) Public domain software 85 / 100 85) Computer programs are also known ac a) Hardware b) Software c) None d) Firmware 86 / 100 86) The right of a person to keep his personal information away from others is called: a) Private b) Privacy c) Right d) Secrecy 87 / 100 87) The basic structure of C program consists of: a) Program body b) All c) Preprocessor Directive d) main() function 88 / 100 88) Machine language: a) is the language in which programs were first written. b) is the only language understood by the computer. c) None d) All of these 89 / 100 89) which of the following header file contains information about common mathematical functions? a) math.h b) stdio.h c) None d) conio.h 90 / 100 90) Header files in C contain: a) Operators for files b) Header information of C programs c) Compiler commands d) Library functions 91 / 100 91) A program that interferes with the normal working of a computer is called: a) Freeware b) Bateria c) Virus d) Antivirus 92 / 100 92) The lowest level of programming language is: a) None b) Assembly Language c) Java d) Pascal 93 / 100 93) The expression may be: a) string b) All c) arithmetic expression d) Constant 94 / 100 94) Which of the following is a biometric technique for person identification? a) Fingerprint b) Access card c) Password d) PIN 95 / 100 95) Processor directives are command for a) Language Processor b) Microprocessor c) C preprocessor d) Loader 96 / 100 96) An assembly language uses: a) Binary Digit b) None c) Mnemonic Codes d) English Words 97 / 100 97) Which of the following symbol is used to denote a pre-processor statement? a) # b) @ c) % d) $ 98 / 100 98) The process of converting source code into object code,is knows as: a) Executing b) Linking c) Saving d) Compiling 99 / 100 99) which of the following header a) stdio.h b) None c) conio.h d) math.h 100 / 100 100) A program’s syntax errors is detected by: a) Compiler b) Loader c) Linker d) Debugger Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte Post Views: 524 Post navigation Aiou Workshop 5403| Test 5 Aiou Workshop 5403| Full Test