Basic Theorems of Derivatives|| Examples 3 and 7 || Math-12
this lecture we discuss about derivative theorems and few example related to this lecture…. these theorems are so important for…
Exercise 2.3||Q# 4 & 6|| Example 6|| Math-12
In this lecture we discuss one example and 2 questions of exercise 2.3 also discuss theorems of derivatives which are…
Exercise 2.3 Q9,11,12,13|| Math-12|| Simple and Conceptual
In this video we discuss Exercise number 2.3 Q# 9 11 12 13 in detail.
Basic concepts of number systems|| math-11| Chapter-1|| Lecture-1
Hello Students Today we discuss complete course of math 11 according to smart syllabus please watch complete videos….and mention your…
Exercise 1.1 || smart syllabus|| math-11|| chapter-1
In this lecture we discuss about exercise 1.1 math-11 according to mart syllabus of Rawalpindi board.
Exercise 1.2 ||complex number||smart syllabus ||math-11
this video we discuss about complex number and solve exercise of 1.2 all smart syllabus questions.
Thermoregulation II Chp 15 Homeostasis Lec 09
This lecture by Scientia includes discussion related to #Thermoregulation in general, #thermoregulationInPlants , #ThermoregulationInAnimals and #Pyrexia.
Kidney Problems and Cures II Chp 15 Homeostasis Lec 08
This Lecture by Scientia includes discussion related to the kidney problems like #KidneyStones and #KidneyFailure. Treatment Techniques like #Lithotripsy and…
Excretion in Animals Part 2 I Chp 15 Hoemostasis Lec 6
This Lecture by scientia includes discussion related to the Structure and Function of Excretion systems in Representative animals like #Hydra…