The Punjab government has reported the assessment plan for the understudies of class one to eight. Because of the progressing Covid pandemic, the tests will be take in stages to maintain a strategic distance from the spread.
As indicated by the timetable, the tests for the understudies of class one to eight will be held in the most recent seven day stretch of May.
The test paper will comprise of 25 short inquiries for 50 imprints, with each question conveying equivalent detriments for a one-hour time span.
The understudies of evaluations one and two will be absolved from this example, as their tests will be led orally rather than composed papers
Punjab Education Minister, Dr. Murad Raas, in a new question and answer session, guaranteed that the Punjab government was putting forth full scale attempts to encourage the school-going kids in the midst of the pandemic.
Additionally, the Punjab instruction division has likewise reported speculative dates for registration assessments, which may start from 31 May 2021. Then, the government schooling division has declared tests for grade nine and matric from 20 May.