Spread the love/90 95 Aiou Workshop 5403| Full Test 1 / 90 1) The normal orientation for printing is: a) Landscape b) Vertical c) Portrait d) Horizontal 2 / 90 2) Which is the most common LAN topology? a) Mesh b) Bus c) Tree d) Star 3 / 90 3) Which of the following technologies is used in flat-panel display screens? a) Gas-plasma b) All c) LCD d) EL 4 / 90 4) which of the following header file contains information about common mathematical functions? a) None b) conio.h c) math.h d) stdio.h 5 / 90 5) Which of the following coding schemes uses 4-bit code? a) ASCII. b) BCD c) Unicode d) EBCDIC 6 / 90 6) The World Wide Web was introduced in: a) 1960s b) 2000 c) 1989 d) Mid-1970s 7 / 90 7) GB is approximately : a) 1024MB b) 1000KB c) 100KB d) 100MB 8 / 90 8) Which of the following is NOT an example of a program bug? a) Run-time error b) Logic error c) Operator error d) Syntax error 9 / 90 9) Which of following protocols are properly researched, designed and finally published as a standard? a) CCIT b) ISO c) De facto d) De jure 10 / 90 10) Which component is used to connect different parts of computer together? a) Main memory b) Bus Interconnection c) Control Unit d) Power Supply 11 / 90 11) The name of screen clarity: a) Resolution b) Density c) Pixel d) Picture quality 12 / 90 12) Which function key is used for checking spelling and grammar in Word? a) F2 b) F1 c) F7 d) F12 13 / 90 13) A computer can be linked to the Internet through: a) Phone-line modem b) Cable Modem c) All d) DSL 14 / 90 14) Which of the following is not a biometric technique: a) Palm print b) Retina c) Badge d) Face 15 / 90 15) Which of the following is an authentication methodology? a) Piracy b) Biometrics c) Access cards d) PIN 16 / 90 16) The time taken by a data signal to reach to moon and then back to earth was about: a) 2 ms b) 2-second c) 2 hours d) 2 minutes 17 / 90 17) Which of the following is valid Website Address? a) it4.com b) %VW . hello c) ww.hello.com d) www.it.com 18 / 90 18) The temporary storage area within CPU is called: a) RAM b) Registers c) HDD d) ROMs 19 / 90 19) The [ascetic] militant Chinese have gone straight to the roots of the problems. a) secular b) religious c) professional d) trained 20 / 90 20) A spelling error (e.g. typing intt instead of int) is an example of: a) None b) Syntax error c) Logic error d) Run-time error 21 / 90 21) The physical layout of a network is known as: a) Style b) Link c) Topology d) Session 22 / 90 22) Paragraph formats include: a) Alignment b) Indentations c) All d) Tabs 23 / 90 23) A major category of software is : a) System and design b) Application and system c) System and development d) Application and design 24 / 90 24) ALU performs arithmetic and _________operations. a) loading b) Local c) Logical d) Linear 25 / 90 25) Transferring information from computer to Internet is called: a) Downsizing b) Pasting c) Downloading d) Uploading 26 / 90 26) Which of the following is the entering point in Windows? a) Windows explorer b) My document c) Desktop d) My computer 27 / 90 27) Computer cannot boot if it does not have: a) Linker b) Interpreter c) Operating System d) Compiler 28 / 90 28) What percent of personal computer in the world have word processor installed? a) 80% b) 10% c) 90% d) 50% 29 / 90 29) What is another term for guided media? a) Infrared b) Bounded c) Radiated d) Wireless 30 / 90 30) void occupy how many bytes in memory? a) 0 b) 2 c) 1 d) 3 31 / 90 31) An example of non-numerical data is: a) Address b) Bank balance c) Roll No d) Marks 32 / 90 32) Which type of flat-panel computer screen provides the highest-quality image? a) LCD b) CRT c) ELD d) Gas plasma 33 / 90 33) A collection of related web pages is called: a) Linking b) Downloading c) Web Pages d) Uploading 34 / 90 34) A type of reader commonly used to reader UPC is called. a) MCCR reader b) Optical-mark reader c) Magnetic-ink character reader d) Bar-code reader & Optical-mark reader 35 / 90 35) Project 802 defines standard for which layers of the OSI model: a) d. Network & data link layers b) Physical & data link layers c) Physical & session layers d) c. Transport & network layers 36 / 90 36) The frame rate is a factor in which of the following outputs? a) Audio b) Video c) Graphics d) Text 37 / 90 37) Which mode replace, the existing text? a) Change b) Overtype c) Insert mode d) Replace 38 / 90 38) Which of the following is a governing body to approve the network standards? a) IEEE b) ASCII c) EIA d) ALL 39 / 90 39) Which memory is used to speed up the computer processing? a) ROM b) Cache c) RAM d) BIOS 40 / 90 40) The types of files that can be attached to an e-mail message include: a) All b) Text c) Spreadsheets d) Graphics 41 / 90 41) A device that is used to connect two computers using telephone line is called: a) Modem b) Graphic Card c) Ethernet Card d) Sound Card 42 / 90 42) The modern revolution in information technology can be termed as : a) Communications revolution b) Information revolution c) Computer revolution d) All 43 / 90 43) McAfee is an example of: a) Worm b) Hacker c) Virus d) Antivirus 44 / 90 44) Most modem word processors allow users to control the formats of: a) Complete documents b) Individual characters c) All d) Paragraphs 45 / 90 45) Frequency is measured in: a) Bps. b) Hertz c) Amps d) Seconds 46 / 90 46) The Enter key is pressed to insert a ________in MS Word a) Sentence b) Documents c) Paragraph d) Line 47 / 90 47) Which of the following is relevant to office automation? a) Document Management system b) All c) Office supports systems d) Message-handling systems 48 / 90 48) Which of the following is general type of input devices : a) Pointing devices b) Source data-entery devices c) All d) Keyboard 49 / 90 49) The format of an email address is: a) User name# DNS Address b) User name$DNS.com c) User name& DNS Address. d) User name@ DNS Address 50 / 90 50) A device used to connect similar networks is called: a) Bridge b) All c) Bus d) Gateway 51 / 90 51) Which of the following is a compiler directive? a) main ( ) b) All c) Using namespace std; d) #include 52 / 90 52) The size of the file that can be attached to an email depends on: a) Email client b) Web browser c) Email Protocol d) Service provider 53 / 90 53) FTP stands for a) File Transfer Protocol b) Finding Tale Path c) Finis Transfer Protocol d) File Transfer Principle 54 / 90 54) CPU consists of the following parts: a) CU and Main Memory b) Operating system and application c) Operating system and ALU d) Control Unit and ALU 55 / 90 55) The mode that is like a two way street with traffic flowing in both direction at the.same time is ca a) Simplex transmission b) Full Duplex transmission c) Duplex transmission d) Half Duplex transmission 56 / 90 56) The topology used for a small number of computers is called: a) Mesh b) Tree c) Bus d) Ring 57 / 90 57) Many banks provide the facility of: a) CAM b) CAD c) ATM d) CBT 58 / 90 58) Which of the following is the insulation on a fiber-optic cable? a) Housing b) Cladding c) Sheathing d) . Braiding 59 / 90 59) Indention in MS Word is used to: a) Change the paragraph color b) Change line spacing c) Make the text readable d) Apply border around text 60 / 90 60) E ARPA stands for: a) Advanced Research Project Agency b) American Rational Program Association c) Advanced Residential Programming Association d) Arizona’s Russian Program of Association 61 / 90 61) Which one is faster a) RAM b) ROM c) Register d) Cache 62 / 90 62) A telephone conversation is’an example of:. a) Full-duplex transmission: b) Simplex transmission c) .Duplex transmission d) Half-duplex transmission 63 / 90 63) Which of the following feature is used to reverse the changes made to a document? a) WYSIWYG b) Redo c) GUI d) Undo 64 / 90 64) Transfers data between main memory and I/O devices without using CPU? a) Port b) DMA c) BRA d) DDA 65 / 90 65) The extension of C source program is: a) .h b) .obj c) .c d) .exe 66 / 90 66) Computer based weather forecasting depends on accurate collection of data from: a) Antenna b) Weather stations c) Television d) Radar 67 / 90 67) An initial Internet that connented four university computer systems was called a) NSFNet b) Intranet c) CERNNet d) ARPANET 68 / 90 68) The name of header file is written between: a) ( ) b) <> c) {} 69 / 90 69) The order of stack is: a) GIGO b) LIFO c) FIFO d) FIGO 70 / 90 70) A device used for optical-character recognition is a: a) MCCR reader b) pen c) Wand reader d) MICR reader 71 / 90 71) What is the main purpose of secondary storage devices? a) Output of information b) Temporary storage of data c) Calculating data d) Permanent storage of data 72 / 90 72) computer programs are also known as: a) Procedure b) Software c) None d) Hardware 73 / 90 73) which one of the following translates source code to object code as a whole a) Interpreter b) None c) Assembler d) Compiler 74 / 90 74) ______is used to product attractive documents using photos, artwork and graphics: a) Spreadsheet b) Desktop publishing c) Reprographics d) Image processing 75 / 90 75) DPI stand for : a) Digit per inch b) Decimal per inch c) Dot per inch d) Data per inch 76 / 90 76) For every opening brace in a C program, there must be a: a) None b) Closing brace c) Colon d) Comma 77 / 90 77) Which of the following is not an output device : a) Printer b) Scanner c) Monitor d) Speaker 78 / 90 78) E-mail stands for: a) Electric-mail b) Elective-mail c) Elaborated-mail d) Electronic-mail 79 / 90 79) which header file contains information about standard input/ output functions? a) Both a and b b) math.h c) stdio.h d) None 80 / 90 80) Data can be erased using ultraviolet rays written on: a) RAM b) EPROM c) EPROM d) EEPROM 81 / 90 81) The address of instruction being executed is contained within: a) Program Counter b) Memory Address Register c) Memory Buffer Register d) Current Instruction Register 82 / 90 82) What happens first when CPU executes an instruction? a) Instruction fetch b) Execute instruction c) Decode instruction d) All 83 / 90 83) Who developed C? a) Von-Neumann b) Dennis Ritchie c) Charles Babbage d) Al- Khuwarizmi 84 / 90 84) The symbol that separates different parts of an e-mail address is: a) # b) $ c) ^ d) @ 85 / 90 85) Mistakes that cause a running program to produce incorrect results are called: a) Syntax error b) None c) Program error d) Logic error 86 / 90 86) Bps is short for: a) Bytes per second b) Bits per second c) Binary packets a second d) Baud per second 87 / 90 87) A network that transmits data over citywide distance faster than LAN is: a) NAN b) MAN c) WAN d) LAN 88 / 90 88) which of the following header a) math.h b) conio.h c) None d) stdio.h 89 / 90 89) The types.of signals can be: a) Analog b) Digital and Analog c) Analog d) Digital 90 / 90 90) In the Web address, http://www.microsoft.com, http is: a) End tag b) Domain name c) Path d) Protocol Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte Post Views: 606 Post navigation Aiou Workshop 5403| Test 6 Rawalpindi Board First year Computer Science all past papers MCQS.