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English 2nd year essays all chapters MCQS for preparations of Rawalpindi board Examination.

all mcqs set by chapter wise and helps students good marks in exam after completed exam end of show total marks according correct selection of mcqs

All past Papers 2nd year English

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1 / 181

1. You can never see …………… me plan.

2 / 181

2. You should be ashamed ………….. your misbehavior.

3 / 181

3. A Muslim always prays ……………………. Allah.

4 / 181

4. He was run ………….. by a car.

5 / 181

5. He belongs ……… a noble family.

6 / 181

6. He belongs ……… a noble family.

7 / 181

7. I am satisfied ……………… his response.

8 / 181

8. Terrorist was sentenced ………. death.

9 / 181

9. Do not quarrel ………………… your seniors.

10 / 181

10. He assured me ………………. his help.

11 / 181

11. She takes ………….. her mother.

12 / 181

12. No one can part him ……………….. his friend.

13 / 181

13. He comes …………………. a noble family.

14 / 181

14. He deals ……………….. clothes.

15 / 181

15. The thief broke …………………… the house.

16 / 181

16. I shall meet you ………………… Monday.

17 / 181

17. This ship is bound ………… Karachi.

18 / 181

18. Mother has great affection ………….. her children.

19 / 181

19. She was shocked …………… her mother’s death.

20 / 181

20. shelly lamented ……………….. keat’s death.

21 / 181

21. He is blind ………………. reason.

22 / 181

22. He walked all the way …………… foot.

23 / 181

23. He died ………………… an accident.

24 / 181

24. He is deaf ………….. my advice .

25 / 181

25. You should give …………….. smoking.

26 / 181

26. He is yelling …………….. his servant.

27 / 181

27. I am sick ………. your silly behavior.

28 / 181

28. He is negligent …………. duties.

29 / 181

29. Take care ……………….. your wealth.

30 / 181

30. We tried to tide ………………. our difficulties.

31 / 181

31. The accused was released ……….. bail.

32 / 181

32. This food reminds me ………….. my school days.

33 / 181

33. He hunted ……….. the lost book.

34 / 181

34. You must comply ……………… the teacher’s advice.

35 / 181

35. It is easy to accustom oneself …………………. bad habits.

36 / 181

36. No one likes to deal ……….. dishonest person.

37 / 181

37. He is burdened …………… a large family.

38 / 181

38. The orphans yearn ………………… love and sympathy.

39 / 181

39. Do not judge others ……………….. their weakness.

40 / 181

40. They robbed him ………. his money.

41 / 181

41. Lahore is not famous ………. its college.

42 / 181

42. When you came i was going …………………. college.

43 / 181

43. They built a bridge ………… the river.

44 / 181

44. He lives …………Lahore.

45 / 181

45. I shall met you ……………. the airport.

46 / 181

46. He always excelled ………….. his works.

47 / 181

47. I enquired …….. his health.

48 / 181

48. He was furious ………. my mistake.

49 / 181

49. He is true …………. his words.

50 / 181

50. He is endowed ………. great qualities.

51 / 181

51. Zakat must be dealt ……………. fairly.

52 / 181

52. He agreed ………… what I said.

53 / 181

53. May God preserves us ………. all evils.

54 / 181

54. Sheep lives ………….. grass.

55 / 181

55. She is accomplished …………. singing.

56 / 181

56. Saleem introduced Ali …………..me.

57 / 181

57. Hina is sure ……………… his success.

58 / 181

58. The brave do not yield ………………. enemy.

59 / 181

59. Everybody cares ………….. wealth.

60 / 181

60. His sickness confined him ……………….. bed.

61 / 181

61. He burst …….. tears.

62 / 181

62. He is mindful ……………. my duty.

63 / 181

63. You should attend …………… your work.

64 / 181

64. He died ………………. cholera.

65 / 181

65. I am indebted ……………… Saleem for the success.

66 / 181

66. He invested a lot o money …………… business.

67 / 181

67. No one should be ignorant ………………. law.

68 / 181

68. He is incapable …………….. solving this problem.

69 / 181

69. He is zealous ……………….. driving cars.

70 / 181

70. I prefer milk ………………. tea .

71 / 181

71. Ali is void …………. wisdom.

72 / 181

72. Sewage is carried …………… pipelines.

73 / 181

73. I am popular ………………… my brothers.

74 / 181

74. you are getting late ………. college.

75 / 181

75. I availed myself ……………. home.

76 / 181

76. charity begins …….. home.

77 / 181

77. Lysozyme has no harmful effect ……………. the leucocytes.

78 / 181

78. Hard work indispensable ………….. success.

79 / 181

79. Beware …………. pick pockets.

80 / 181

80. Eggs are sold …………… the dozen.

81 / 181

81. He was not aware ………. the new station.

82 / 181

82. His failure was contrary ……………….. his expectations.

83 / 181

83. Do not be jealous ……………. others.

84 / 181

84. The area is notorious ……….. sand stroms.

85 / 181

85. He is not entitled ……….. vote.

86 / 181

86. I enquired …….. his health.

87 / 181

87. He goes to school ……………….. foot.

88 / 181

88. Hard work indispensable ………….. success.

89 / 181

89. i am vexed …………. him.

90 / 181

90. His house is adjacent …………… the mosque.

91 / 181

91. She was brought ………. by her uncle

92 / 181

92. He has great command…………. English.

93 / 181

93. I am obliged ……… you

94 / 181

94. He did not wait …….. me.

95 / 181

95. He did not wait …….. me.

96 / 181

96. I have no taste ……….. mathematics.

97 / 181

97. He has great regard ………….. elders.

98 / 181

98. I can see……………..his sticks.

99 / 181

99. The child insisted …………… going home.

100 / 181

100. He is hostile…………….. veil.

101 / 181

101. The nation is proud ……………. its heroes.

102 / 181

102. I don’t agree …………… your suggestions.

103 / 181

103. My friend acceded……………… my request.

104 / 181

104. Lahore is famous……………..gardens.

105 / 181

105. The road leads ……….. Sargodha.

106 / 181

106. The chairman presided……………. the meeting.

107 / 181

107. Morning walks is useful ……… health.

108 / 181

108. He is not entitled ……………. vote.

109 / 181

109. She is proficient ………… English.

110 / 181

110. You should not be ignorant ………… law.

111 / 181

111. He is blind …………….. one eye.

112 / 181

112. Listen …………… my lecture.

113 / 181

113. She is vain………. her beauty.

114 / 181

114. He alighted …….. the horse.

115 / 181

115. Ashan feels inclined…………… serve others.

116 / 181

116. Please take charge ……………… the office.

117 / 181

117. He bankers ………….. riches.

118 / 181

118. She is popular ………….. her students.

119 / 181

119. Discipline is the key …………… success.

120 / 181

120. Farah has invited me …………… tea.

121 / 181

121. I met him ……………. chance.

122 / 181

122. It is not easy to part ………………. one’s favourite possession.

123 / 181

123. Adil was ill ……………. fever.

124 / 181

124. Nazir has given………….. smoking.

125 / 181

125. Death is preferable………. disgrace.

126 / 181

126. The people did not agree …………. the laeder.

127 / 181

127. Junaid was annoyed …………. my performance.

128 / 181

128. The prince was married ………………. the hero.

129 / 181

129. Do not look down…………. the poor.

130 / 181

130. She was leaning ……….. the pillar.

131 / 181

131. He was very kind ……………. animals.

132 / 181

132. He will not turn………… my request.

133 / 181

133. He was accused ……….. theft

134 / 181

134. Please do not find faults …….. ohers.

135 / 181

135. In this matter, he was ….. fault

136 / 181

136. Abdullah is the NEWTON ………. our class.

137 / 181

137. Xona will tied …………. her difficulties.

138 / 181

138. Trust …………. God.

139 / 181

139. He tried impose ………… row.

140 / 181

140. It is not good to depend …………… others.

141 / 181

141. They were laughing ………… the clown.

142 / 181

142. He was charged …… theft.

143 / 181

143. He longs …………… a car.

144 / 181

144. We should not boast ………………. our wealth.

145 / 181

145. He prevented me ……………. going there.

146 / 181

146. I shall stand ……………..you in the difficult time.

147 / 181

147. I shall stand …………….. difficult time.

148 / 181

148. We discussed it …………… detail.

149 / 181

149. The poor live from hand………………….. mouth.

150 / 181

150. He will blame you …………….. it.

151 / 181

151. The Muslim believe ……………… one God.

152 / 181

152. I congratulate you…………….. your success

153 / 181

153. We should abstain………….. telling a lie

154 / 181

154. He was not absent …….. school.

155 / 181

155. He was absorbed ………. his studies.

156 / 181

156. You should about …………… your promise.

157 / 181

157. You will have to account………..you deeds.

158 / 181

158. He was addicted……..smoking

159 / 181

159. I have been waiting……….. my friend.

160 / 181

160. We can not rely ……… him.

161 / 181

161. She is tried ………. attitude.

162 / 181

162. You are not consistent…………what you say.

163 / 181

163. Bushra was sitting……….me.

164 / 181

164. People have been deprived…………..their rights.

165 / 181

165. I have paid………..it.

166 / 181

166. He has invited me……….tea.

167 / 181

167. What is time………….your watch.

168 / 181

168. He does not care…………….me.

169 / 181

169. We are more CRITICAL than our ancestors:

170 / 181

170. A few lazy BLUFFERS also drifts into college.

171 / 181

171. Out side these BELTS life would be frozen:

172 / 181

172. A few lazy BLUFFERS also drifts into college.

173 / 181

173. He went to museum to read the treatment of a slight ALIMENT:

174 / 181

174. The police man ACQUITTED the writer:

175 / 181

175. we are also more critical than our ANCESTORS :

176 / 181

176. In my AGONY of decision, i left the embankment:

177 / 181

177. The ABUNDANT homework was a cause of tension;

178 / 181

178. We have the power to ABOLISH war:

179 / 181

179. In North Africa , he barely escaped ASSASSINATION :

180 / 181

180. He has never learnt what real APPLICATIONS is:

181 / 181

181. Abd-al-Rehman had sharp AQUILINE features.

Your score is



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1 / 13

1. Life can exist only in a narrow [belt].

2 / 13

2. We may think of stars as a collection of fires [scattered] through space.

3 / 13

3. We find the universe frightening because of [stretches] of time.

4 / 13

4. From these [humble] beginning came a stream of life.

5 / 13

5. [Gradually] they became cooler.

6 / 13

6. The sun and the other stars we see in the sky are all [extremely] hot.

7 / 13

7. That this mountain was [torn] to piece.

8 / 13

8. Some two thousand millions years ago this [rare] even took place.

9 / 13

9. A star [seldom] finds another any where near it.

10 / 13

10. Each star makes its [voyage] in complete loneliness.

11 / 13

11. These millions of stars are [wandering] about in space.

12 / 13

12. Such is the [littleness] of our home in space.

13 / 13

13. Here and there we find an [immense] star.

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1 / 14

1. Feelings, which involves baseless fears are called [superstitions].

2 / 14

2. Through the use of scientific method, we have now learnt how to spend our [leisure] time.

3 / 14

3. [Thrifty] housewives preserved their home grown vegetables and fruits.

4 / 14

4. Water was used very [sparingly] for bathing and cleaning purposes.

5 / 14

5. It has been [demonstrated] that unsanitary conditions cause a spread of various diseases.

6 / 14

6. [Sewage] from all sections is carried through sealed pipes.

7 / 14

7. Human waste [drained] into wells.

8 / 14

8. In city streets household [garbage] and other refuse were thrown.

9 / 14

9. Today babies are born in hospitals where there is little [likelihood] of their getting a disease.

10 / 14

10. A person who lived to be more than thirty years of age was indeed [fortunate].

11 / 14

11. We are also more critical in our thinking than our [ancestors].

12 / 14

12. Today we are better able to explain happenings which used to be considered strange and [mysterious].

13 / 14

13. All of us have [benefited] greatly from the use of scientific method.

14 / 14

14. All of us have [benefited] greatly from the use of scientific method.

Your score is



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1 / 14

1. A few lazy bluffers [drift] into college and usually drift out again.

2 / 14

2. Most colleges do all they can with scholarship funds to [alleviate] this situation.

3 / 14

3. To see boys undergoing transfusion of blood is a [heartrending] spectacle.

4 / 14

4. It is always to the [detriment] of their health.

5 / 14

5. Many boys are [cast] entirely on their own resources.

6 / 14

6. If an [adequate] health service is available, an immense number of failures ca be avoided.

7 / 14

7. The parents whom I have [offended] usually comes around after a term of years.

8 / 14

8. As well argued with a person that he ought to like onions whe he [detests] them.

9 / 14

9. A boy follows a direction [mapped out] by his parents.

10 / 14

10. A common cause of failure is a mistaken [ambition] for the boy on the part of his parents.

11 / 14

11. A boy must cultivate a poise and calm that smothers the [fidgets].

12 / 14

12. A boy must cultivate a [poise] and calm that smothers the fidgets.

13 / 14

13. Such nervous habits cannot be [eradicated] by anyone but the boy himself.

14 / 14

14. Many boys have the [native] ability to complete their education.

Your score is



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1 / 18

1. The daily [grind] of school pressed heavily upon him.

2 / 18

2. Waking up in the morning was a [dismal] experience.

3 / 18

3. There was no possibility for an extra [doze].

4 / 18

4. We ha a maid once who would climb each morning with [grim] steps.

5 / 18

5. I used to lie waiting for the [ominous] tread.

6 / 18

6. I used to lie waiting for the ominous [tread].

7 / 18

7. The voice is heralded sounded in my ears like a [summons] to damnation.

8 / 18

8. The voice is heralded sounded in my ears like a summons to [damnation].

9 / 18

9. The [anticipation] was always worse than reality.

10 / 18

10. Much homework had been [assigned] for the Monday.

11 / 18

11. Sunday night was full of the [threat] of Monday morning.

12 / 18

12. Sometimes there were unexpected [respites].

13 / 18

13. I could look forward to a period of permanent [felicity].

14 / 18

14. I would walk home and [savour] my happiness.

15 / 18

15. I could hardly believe that three [strenuous] school terms had indeed rolled away.

16 / 18

16. The longed for, dreamed of almost [mythical] summer holidays were at hand.

17 / 18

17. All my early childhood I [longed] desperately for a tricycle.

18 / 18

18. How often had I stood outside sweet shops with [empty] pockets.

Your score is



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1 / 21

1. I thought a little sadly of all those books falling into the cold [torrent].

2 / 21

2. With the courage of despair I took have a {heave].

3 / 21

3. I do not know how long I [strayed] up and down.

4 / 21

4. It was a [tramp], who had other things to do.

5 / 21

5. I fervently hoped, an air of [rumination] and unconcern.

6 / 21

6. I [fervently] hoped, an air of rumination and unconcern.

7 / 21

7. I looked down into the faintly [luminous] swirls of the river.

8 / 21

8. I learned against the [parapet] ad looked down.

9 / 21

9. It was then that all the [implications] of my act revealed themselves.

10 / 21

10. He [acquitted] me apparently.

11 / 21

11. Perhaps he suspects I have [swag] in this sack.

12 / 21

12. I fancied he looked [suspicious].

13 / 21

13. I turned up my overcoat collar and [strode] off.

14 / 21

14. I [improvised] a sack.

15 / 21

15. I was faced with alternative of either [evicting] the books or else leaving them in sole.

16 / 21

16. Books of inferior minors verse gradually [accumulated] there.

17 / 21

17. It is sometimes difficult to find a [scaffold] for them.

18 / 21

18. In reality it is not merely [absurd] to keep rubbish merely because it is printed.

19 / 21

19. In reality it is not merely [absurd] to keep rubbish merely because it is printed.

20 / 21

20. Non-bookish people are [reluctant] to throw away anything that looks like a book.

21 / 21

21. Some people were sending the [oddest] things.

Your score is



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1 / 18

1. Being only a chemist [hampers] me.

2 / 18

2. He immediately afterwards [butted] me with the side of his head.

3 / 18

3. I went to my medicine man. He is an old [chum] of mine.

4 / 18

4. I crawled out a decrepit [wreck].

5 / 18

5. I crawled out a [decrepit] wreck.

6 / 18

6. I [patted] myself all over my front.

7 / 18

7. I sat and [pondered]

8 / 18

8. Gout, in its most [malignant] stage, it would appear had seized me.

9 / 18

9. I reflected that I had every other known malady in the [pharmacology].

10 / 18

10. I reflected that I had every other known [malady] in the pharmacology.

11 / 18

11. Why this [invidious] reservation?

12 / 18

12. I plodded [conscientiously] through the twenty six letters.

13 / 18

13. I [plodded] conscientiously through the twenty six letters.

14 / 18

14. In the [listlessness] of despair, I again turned over the pages.

15 / 18

15. I had glance half down the list of [premonitory] symptoms.

16 / 18

16. I forget which was the first [distemper] I plunged into.

17 / 18

17. I [idly] turned the leave.

18 / 18

18. I am suffering from the particular disease therein dealt with in its most [virulent] form.

Your score is



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1 / 14

1. I made a [wretched] attempt to look like a man with fearfully quick temper.

2 / 14

2. [Reckless] with misery, I made a plunge.

3 / 14

3. The people in the bank had the impression that I was in an [invalid] millionaire.

4 / 14

4. I went up to the accountant’s wicket and [poked] the ball of money at him.

5 / 14

5. I had been [prompted] to lie about it.

6 / 14

6. He had gathered from my mysterious manners that I was a [detective].

7 / 14

7. The manager felt that I had an [awful] secret to reveal.

8 / 14

8. I held my fifty six dollars clutched in a [crumpled] ball in my pocket.

9 / 14

9. My voice was [sepulchral].

10 / 14

10. I went up to a [wicket] marked “Accountant”.

11 / 14

11. I shambled in and looked [timidly] round at the clerks.

12 / 14

12. I [shambled] in and looked timidly round at the clerks.

13 / 14

13. The moment I cross the [threshold] of a bank, I become an irresponsible idiot.

14 / 14

14. When I go into a bank I get [rattled].

Your score is



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1 / 12

1. Mr.Chips thought in a distant way that it was rather [peculiar].

2 / 12

2. The Chinese [regime] has set up a assistance system guaranteeing a minimum subsistence level.

3 / 12

3. Nearly all the plants [boast] nurseries and kindergartens.

4 / 12

4. In the agricultural [communes] housing is completely free.

5 / 12

5. This [radical] change in women’s conditions in China has given women a sense of confidence.

6 / 12

6. From a Western angle there is a lack of [femininity] in the Chinese woman.

7 / 12

7. National machines and equipment are not entirely [indigenous].

8 / 12

8. Economic decentralization has freed China from a traditionally [cumbersome] bureaucracy.

9 / 12

9. Political control over the masses stops the [exodus] from the countryside.

10 / 12

10. The [gigantic] Chinese social experiment does not only concern Asia.

11 / 12

11. In China the individual has been rescued from the aftermath of this unfortunate [heritage].

12 / 12

12. [Occidentals] certainly launched the warm bug.

Your score is



0 votes, 0 avg



1 / 11

1. We have the power to [abolish] war if we have the will.

2 / 11

2. The study of the population growth indicates one of the greatest [paradoxes] of our time.

3 / 11

3. Yaws stars as little hard pimples which may join together to make [blotches].

4 / 11

4. In Asia and the far East the death rate has been reduced rapidly by [epidemic] control.

5 / 11

5. In the past only a [fraction] of the babies born grew up.

6 / 11

6. A [tremendous] population explosion is taking place.

7 / 11

7. Robin Hood [poached] from the Royal forests for the poor.

8 / 11

8. Widespread disaster was only [averted] by the previous compulsory shortage of food.

9 / 11

9. One of the first records of famine was [carved] in granite.

10 / 11

10. The early hunter suffered [grave] shortages during the winters.

11 / 11

11. After a few slices of bread and butter you forgot all about those hungers [pangs].

Your score is



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1 / 12

1. Al-Hakam’s agents [ransacked] the bookshops of Alexandria.

2 / 12

2. He invited professors from the East to the university and set aside [endowments] for their salaries.

3 / 12

3. Al-Hakam,Abd-al-Rahman’s successor was himself a scholar and [patronized] learning.

4 / 12

4. The third Abd-al-Rahman, like his [illustrious] predecessor was a young man.

5 / 12

5. Caliph Abd-al-Rahman’s court was of the most [glorious] in all Europe.

6 / 12

6. With his realm [consolidated], Abd-al-Rahman turned to the arts of peace.

7 / 12

7. To his villa, he brought water and introduced [exotic] plants.

8 / 12

8. He beautified the cities of his [domain].

9 / 12

9. They offered him [refuge].

10 / 12

10. It took him some years more to bring all of Spain to [subjection].

11 / 12

11. In North Africa he barely escaped [assassination].

12 / 12

12. Abd-al-Rehman was a striking young man, tall, lean, with sharp [aquiline] features ad red hair.

Your score is
