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Rawalpindi Board 2nd year Computer Science all past papers MCQS.

Rawalpindi Board 2nd year Computer Science all past papers MCQS.

1 / 123

1. The lowest level of programming is called:

2 / 123

2. A memory location with some data that can be changed is called:

3 / 123

3. The default size of a text data type field is:

4 / 123


What is the final value of I after executing the code : for(int i=1;i<=5;i+=2)

5 / 123

5. Multiples copies of the same data is referred to as:

6 / 123

6. Format specifier is started with symbol:

7 / 123

7. In 2nf , which form of dependency is removed:

8 / 123

8. Which data type is the default data type:

9 / 123

9. In 3nf ,a non key attribute must not depend on a:

10 / 123

10. The fopen() funtion used_________ parameters?

11 / 123

11. The loop which never end is called:

12 / 123

12. What is the variable that is used by function to receive an argument:

13 / 123

13. If x=2 and y=3 , what will be the output of the expression :x>y?x+y:x*y;

14 / 123

14. In relation database, a single piece if information is called:

15 / 123

15. Which file is used to store information that remain constant for a long time:

16 / 123

16. A file is stored in :

17 / 123

17. In if statement false is represented by:

18 / 123

18. Which of the fallowing is valid character constant:

19 / 123

19. Which form property will put text into title bar of the form:

20 / 123

20. Global variable are created in:

21 / 123

21. In relational database a table is also called:

22 / 123

22. Different attributes in two different tables having same name are called:

23 / 123

23. Which form of dependency is removed in 3NF:

24 / 123

24. In which loop condition comes after the body of loop:

25 / 123

25. int is a____ in c?

26 / 123

26. _______ form of dependency removed in 3nf:

27 / 123

27. The graphical query tool is know as :

28 / 123

28. Function used for I/O are stored in:

29 / 123

29. In E-R diagram a rectangle represents:

30 / 123

30. Which statement is used for making two decision

31 / 123

31. Which of the following function is used to write a character to a file:

32 / 123

32. The column of a table is know as:

33 / 123

33. Variables and constant name cannot contain a(n):

34 / 123

34. Which of the following format specifier is used for character data type?

35 / 123

35. Which loop structure always executes at least once?

36 / 123


What is the value of ‘X’ after executing the following code? for(x=1;x<=7;x++)

37 / 123

37. The first line of funtion defination is know as:

38 / 123

38. Which form of dependency removed in 2nf?

39 / 123

39. One execution of a loop is know as(n):

40 / 123

40. A set of related files created and managed by a DBMS is called:

41 / 123

41. Each separate piece of information stored in a record is called:

42 / 123

42. A table is a two dimensional structure that consist of:

43 / 123

43. The format specifier %f is used for:

44 / 123

44. which of the fallowing is used to associate entries with one another:

45 / 123

45. Which of the fallowing function is used to copy a string to an array of characters:

46 / 123

46. A logical group of character is a:

47 / 123

47. Which of the fallowing is used associate entities with one another:

48 / 123

48. Conditional operator takes :

49 / 123

49. A virtual table that is constructed from the other table is called:

50 / 123

50. The process of arranging data in a logical sequence is called:

51 / 123

51. An attribute is also know as:

52 / 123

52. One execution of a loop is know as a(n):

53 / 123

53. Which of the fallowing escape sequence can be used to begin a new line in c?

54 / 123

54. The “exe” file in visual basic is produced by:

55 / 123

55. Which programming structure executes program statements in order:

56 / 123

56. The target code produce by the compiler is:

57 / 123

57. Which function is used write character to a file:

58 / 123

58. The maximum length of a text type field in MS-excess is:

59 / 123

59. a+=b is equal to:

60 / 123

60. The case block ends with:

61 / 123

61. Duplicate data in multiple data files is called:

62 / 123

62. The extension of C source program is:

63 / 123

63. The output of compiler is called:

64 / 123

64. The extension of image file is:

65 / 123

65. An array script should be:

66 / 123

66. In switch statement , the case block ends with:

67 / 123

67. Which of the fallowing may be temporary file:

68 / 123

68. Relational operator allow you to _________ numbers:

69 / 123

69. The process of converting source code into object code is know as:

70 / 123

70. Microsoft access save the database with the extension:

71 / 123

71. In an E_R diagram , a rectangle represent:

72 / 123

72. In if statement, true is represented by:

73 / 123

73. Formal arguments are also called:

74 / 123

74. which of the follwing is used to associate entities with one another:

75 / 123

75. Conditional operator is an alternative of:

76 / 123

76. The number of bytes used by int data type in c is :

77 / 123

77. ____ is a loop statement:

78 / 123

78. In visual basic variable cannot contain:

79 / 123

79. In the statement FILE*FT, the*represents to:

80 / 123

80. A record may be based on :

81 / 123

81. Which mode open only an existing file for both reading and writing:

82 / 123

82. The output of a query is in the form of a:

83 / 123

83. The output of compiler is:

84 / 123

84. The”.exe” file is produced by:

85 / 123

85. The manipulated and processed data is called:

86 / 123

86. The data type in C that can handle fractional values is called:

87 / 123

87. Which is a loop stunt:

88 / 123

88. Which data type is used to define a field that consist of only number to be used in calculations?:

89 / 123

89. A form within another form is called:

90 / 123

90. The example of popular DBMS is :

91 / 123

91. A loop with in a loop is called:

92 / 123

92. The extension of a header file is:

93 / 123

93. While loop is also called:

94 / 123

94. Which is numeric data type with decimal point:

95 / 123

95. A funtion can return ________ value:

96 / 123

96. A database consist of various components called:

97 / 123

97. Another term for conditional operator:

98 / 123

98. Which of follwing is not a loop structure in c:

99 / 123

99. Which of the following is a one -to-many relations :

100 / 123

100. A built-in function:

101 / 123

101. A funtion does not return any value has return type

102 / 123

102. Which statment is used to move the control to the start of loop body:

103 / 123

103. The data or information that describes an entity is called :

104 / 123

104. In MS access ,table contains:

105 / 123

105. The foreign key is found in:

106 / 123

106. To find all names start with M from student table ,the criteria is:

107 / 123

107. In which loop , statement terminators is a part of its syntax:

108 / 123

108. Merging the relation is also know as:

109 / 123

109. A primary key that consists of more than one attribute is called:

110 / 123

110. The smallest meaning full unit of data in a database is called:

111 / 123

111. Switch statement is an alternative of:

112 / 123

112. Which operation is performed by relational operator:

113 / 123

113. Relational operator allow you to:

114 / 123

114. _______ is not a database object:

115 / 123

115. A constraint between two attributes is called:

116 / 123

116. In c,the maximum length of variable name is:

117 / 123

117. A person name ,birthday and social security number are example of:

118 / 123

118. Which keyword is not used in switch statement:

119 / 123

119. stdio stand for:

120 / 123

120. In counter loop it is important to declare________ and counter variable :

121 / 123

121. How many types of loop structure are in C -language?

122 / 123

122. The programming structure used for a computer making decision is:

123 / 123

123. Which function is used to display output on screen in C-language?

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Rawalpindi Board 2nd year Computer Science Chapter 1

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Rawalpindi Board 2nd year Computer Science Chapter 1

1 / 57

1. Manipulation of data to achieve the required objectives and result is called

2 / 57

2. A collection of related fields is called:

3 / 57

3. A collection of data that consists of name, address and email of a person is called:

4 / 57

4. A record in a database is the information refers to:

5 / 57

5. A logical grouping of character is a

6 / 57

6. A field is to a record as

7 / 57

7. a database containing all students in a class would store basic data of students in

8 / 57

8. A data base containing all students in a class would store the information of individual students in

9 / 57

9. Which of the following is also known as data set

10 / 57

10. A set of related files created and manage by a (DBMS) is called

11 / 57

11. Which of the following is an example of a database

12 / 57

12. Which of the following used to describe the structure of a database

13 / 57

13. Which of the following data model is more flexible

14 / 57

14. Which of the following type of file require largest processing time

15 / 57

15. Which of the following may be a temporary file?

16 / 57

16. SQL is a(n)

17 / 57

17. SQL stands for

18 / 57

18. SQL can be used to

19 / 57

19. The type of files from functional point of view include

20 / 57

20. Which file is used to store information that remains constant for a long time

21 / 57

21. Which of the following file is used to store additional copy of data

22 / 57

22. Which of the following file consist the software instructions

23 / 57

23. The extension of program file is

24 / 57

24. Which of the following is an image file extension

25 / 57

25. The extension for a video file is

26 / 57

26. The  extension of audio files is

27 / 57

27. The file name and the extension are separated by a

28 / 57

28. In “‘program.txt” , ‘txt” is the:

29 / 57

29. Word processor can save documents using the following extensions EXCEPT

30 / 57

30. The type of files from storage point of view include:

31 / 57

31. The problem synonym occurs in:

32 / 57

32. The process in which the contents are accessed in a sequence is called:

33 / 57

33. A database is an organized collection of related data

34 / 57

34. The objectives of database management systems include:

35 / 57

35. The most commonly used database model in current database development is:

36 / 57

36. Which of the following data model has general shape of an organization chart?

37 / 57

37. Which data models creates parent-child relationships B/T data elements and restricts each child?

38 / 57

38. Which data models creates parent-child relationships b/t data elements and have more than 2parents

39 / 57

39. Information sharing means that:

40 / 57

40. A program whose job is to store and retrieve user data in the database is called:

41 / 57

41. The database system is composed of four major parts:

42 / 57

42. Data that causes inconsistency lacks:

43 / 57

43. In a database processing system:

44 / 57

44. Which one of the following is an advantage of database management approach?

45 / 57

45. DBMS stands for:

46 / 57

46. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of database systems?

47 / 57

47. Which of the following enables user to modify data without affecting existing program that use them

48 / 57

48. Database application contain procedures for:

49 / 57

49. Which of the following is related to a component of database system?

50 / 57

50. Which of the following database models is often referred to as an Inverted Tree?

51 / 57

51. The major component of DBMS is called

52 / 57

52. Duplicate data in multiple data file is:

53 / 57

53. The description of structure and organization of data in a database is contained in:

54 / 57

54. A request for information from a database in database terminology is called

55 / 57

55. A printed or on screen display of data or information in the database is called an:

56 / 57

56. The name for the software to build reports that summarize data from a database is:

57 / 57

57. Which of the following is not a database management system

Your score is


Rawalpindi Board 2nd year Computer Science Chapter 2

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Rawalpindi Board 2nd year Computer Science Chapter 2

1 / 37

1. DBA stands for:

2 / 37

2. A key strictly used for data retrieval purposes is called:

3 / 37

3. Who is responsible to design, implement and maintain a databases?

4 / 37

4. A table in which the foreign key is found is called:

5 / 37

5. Which of the following is also known as control key?

6 / 37

6. A primary key that consists of more than one attribute is called

7 / 37

7. An attribute in relation used as the primary key of another relation in the same database is called

8 / 37

8. A candidate key is:

9 / 37

9. Which field is the most appropriate primary key?

10 / 37

10. Which of the following can be a primary key

11 / 37

11. How many primary keys can a table have?

12 / 37

12. Which of the following is NOT a good primary key?

13 / 37

13. Which of the following describes the primary key?

14 / 37

14. A key is:

15 / 37

15. Which of the following are properties of relations?

16 / 37

16. An index can used to:

17 / 37

17. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of relations?

18 / 37

18. The data or information that describes an entity is called:

19 / 37

19. A person, place, thing or event about which data is kept in the database is called

20 / 37

20. A row of a relation is called:

21 / 37

21. A relation is also known as:

22 / 37

22. An attribute is also known as a:

23 / 37

23. A table is a two-dimensional structure that consists of:

24 / 37

24. A two-dimensional table of data is called:

25 / 37

25. A table should have:

26 / 37

26. The foreign key is found in:

27 / 37

27. The Columns of a table correspond to

28 / 37

28. SQL is used for:

29 / 37

29. CREATE command is used to create:

30 / 37

30. A virtual table that is constructed from other tables is called:

31 / 37

31. The number of characters in fixed-length field is

32 / 37

32. The views are used:

33 / 37

33. Views are also called:

34 / 37

34. The SQL statement to create a view is:

35 / 37

35. All the intersection of rows and columns must have:

36 / 37

36. The rows of a relation can be of order.

37 / 37

37. Insert command is used to insert:

Your score is


Rawalpindi Board 2nd year Computer Science Chapter 3

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Rawalpindi Board 2nd year Computer Science Chapter 3

1 / 32

1. In an E-R diagram a diamond represented

2 / 32

2. all the hardware costs are considered during

3 / 32

3. merging the relation is also known as

4 / 32

4. the logical representation of an organization

5 / 32

5. which of the following is related to modality

6 / 32

6. which of the following defines the nature of the relationship

7 / 32

7. the relationship can be

8 / 32

8. which of the following represented the entities

9 / 32

9. which of the following activities are involved in data analysis

10 / 32

10. all of the following are component of physical data base design except

11 / 32

11. which component of physical database design refers to the consistency of data

12 / 32

12. an index may be created on

13 / 32

13. which of the following is basic data distribution strategy

14 / 32

14. organizing the data base in computer disk storage is done in

15 / 32

15. a disadvantage of partitioning is

16 / 32

16. an advantage of partitioning is

17 / 32

17. the relationship can be

18 / 32

18. which of the following are ingredients of data modeling

19 / 32

19. A factor to consider when choosing a file organization is

20 / 32

20. a techinque for physically arranging the record of a file on secondary storage device is

21 / 32

21. a person name birthday and social security number are example of

22 / 32

22. which of the following is NOT included in the defination of an entity

23 / 32

23. In an E-R diagram a rectangle represented

24 / 32

24. which of the following is used to associated entities with one another

25 / 32

25. which of the following is used to describe the characteristics of an object

26 / 32

26. customer cars and parts are example of

27 / 32

27. A data model is

28 / 32

28. In hybrid distribution what type of fragment are closed at only one site

29 / 32

29. In ERD model the relartionship b/t two entities is represented by

30 / 32

30. Data base development process involve mapping of conceptual data model into:

31 / 32

31. An entity related to itself in a ERD model refers to:

32 / 32

32. Which of the following keys is not unique:

Your score is


Rawalpindi Board 2nd year Computer Science Chapter 4

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Rawalpindi Board 2nd year Computer Science Chapter 4

1 / 53

1. A while loop is more appropriate to use than a for loop when:

2 / 53

  • 2. In which situation a do-while loop is more appropriate to use?

3 / 53

3. In which situation a for loop is more appropriate to use?

4 / 53

4. Which of the following transfers control to the beginning of the loop, skipping the remaining statements?

5 / 53

5. Which of the following can be used to replace switch statement?

6 / 53

6. Which of the following can be used to replace ternary operator?

7 / 53

7. How is multiple-statement for loop terminated?

8 / 53

8. How is a single-statement for loop terminated?

9 / 53

9. In which sequence the while loop is executed:

10 / 53

10. If the value of a=15 and b=10 what would be the output of the expression a>b?a-b:a+b;

11 / 53

11. If the value of x=10 and y=5 then what would be the output of the expression? x>y? x*y:x+y;

12 / 53

12. When is for loop more appropriate than while loop?

13 / 53

13. The switch statement is very similar to the:

14 / 53

14. The keyword ‘break’ cannot be used within:

15 / 53

15. Which of the following is a loop statement?

16 / 53

16. Semicolon is placed at the end of condition in:

17 / 53

17. If you want a user to enter exactly 20 values, which loop would be the best to use?

18 / 53

18. This means to increase a value by one:

19 / 53

19. A for loop contains three expressions: initialization, condition and:


20 / 53

20. The number of expressions in for loop are:

21 / 53

21. This statement is used to skip some statements inside loop.

22 / 53

22. A loop within a loop is called:

23 / 53

23. This statement causes a loop to terminate early?

24 / 53

24. The statements within curly braces in a loop is known as loop:

25 / 53

25. In which loop the condition comes after the body of the loop?

26 / 53

26. In which loop the condition comes before the body of the loop:

27 / 53

27. Which loop structure always executes at least once?

28 / 53

28. It is the simplest loop in c++ language:

29 / 53

29. Which of the following loop is available in c++?

30 / 53

30. How many types of loop structures are available in c++?

31 / 53

31. One execution of loop is known as a(n):

32 / 53

32. These are used to repeat the execution of specific block of statements:

33 / 53

33. It is used when program requires more than one test expression

34 / 53

34. Which of the following are valid case statements in a switch?

35 / 53

35. The code under this statement is executed when the input does not match to any case in switch statement.

36 / 53

36. How many times is the test expression of a switch statement evaluated?

37 / 53

37. Switch statement is alternative of:

38 / 53

38. The case block ends with:

39 / 53

39. It is not part of switch statement:

40 / 53

40. The case is used with:

41 / 53

41. The conditional operator is alternative of:

42 / 53

42. Which operator in C++ is called a ternary operator?

43 / 53

43. The conditional operator takes________ operands

44 / 53

44. It is also known as conditional operator

45 / 53

45. The statements to be executed is the test expression is false are written in the body of:

46 / 53

46. In if statement, true is represented by:

47 / 53

47. In if statement, false is represented by:

48 / 53

48. In if statement, test expression is written within these symbols

49 / 53

49. Which of the following is used for making two way decision?

50 / 53

50. Which of the following is not a conditional statement? 

51 / 53

51. Another term for a computer making a decision is:

52 / 53

52. How many types of control statements are used in programming? 

53 / 53

53. Which of the following is used to control the flow of execution in a program? 

Your score is


Rawalpindi Board 2nd year Computer Science Chapter 5

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Rawalpindi Board 2nd year Computer Science Chapter 5

1 / 24

1. It is very simple to create database using:

2 / 24

2. Which of the following is the correct association?

3 / 24

3. A collection of data that consists of name, address and email of a person is called:

4 / 24

4. The smallest meaningful unit of data in a database is called:

5 / 24

5. Each set of related items in a table is called:

6 / 24

6. Each separate piece of information stored in a record is called:

7 / 24

7. Each separate piece of information stored in a record is called:

8 / 24

8. A report may be based on a:

9 / 24

9. An example of a query is

10 / 24

10. The maximum number of tables in a database can be:

11 / 24

11. The columns of a table correspond to:

12 / 24

12. Which of the following are objects in an MS Access database?

13 / 24

13. Which object is used to store data and define structure for the data in a database?

14 / 24

14. which of the following is NOT a database object

15 / 24

15. What is displayed in title bar of an open database

16 / 24

16. What is displayed in title bar of an open database

17 / 24

17. Which option in MS Access is used to crate a new database from scratch

18 / 24

18. An MS access table consists

19 / 24

19. A report is a complete set of

20 / 24

20. Which object is used to retrieve data from database and present in formatted way

21 / 24

21. Microsoft Access saves the database with the extension


22 / 24

22. The output of the query is in the form of a

23 / 24

23. which of the following database object is used to retrieve data from database

24 / 24

24. A database consist of various component called

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Rawalpindi Board 2nd year Computer Science Chapter 6

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Rawalpindi Board 2nd year Computer Science Chapter 6

1 / 74

1. Which of the following is handled by DBMS?

2 / 74

2. The wildcard Sal[ei]ma.

3 / 74

3. Which symbol is placed around dates in a criterion?

4 / 74

4. Which of the following is used to specify a range of dates or values in the criteria box of query

5 / 74

5. Which row in Design grid determines the records selected in a query?

6 / 74

6. Which of the following is a valid entry in text field in a criteria row of design grid?

7 / 74

7. Which of the following entries in a Design grid will return the record Rabnawaz?

8 / 74

8. which of the following is returned by access if you type H*H in a text field of a select query

9 / 74

9. the result of a query are displayed in a

10 / 74

10. Which of the following criterion should be used?

11 / 74

11. Which wildcard replaces one character only?

12 / 74

12. The graphical query tool is known as?

13 / 74

13. Which of the following is saved when saving a query?

14 / 74

14. What is found in the top portion of Query Design view window?

15 / 74

15. Which of the following is contained in Query Design view?

16 / 74

16. Which of the following is NOT found in Totals function in a query?

17 / 74

17. Which type of query copies selected records to a new table?

18 / 74

18. Which type of query gives provides a dialog box to type a value for criteria

19 / 74

19. Why a query is created using two tables?all

20 / 74

20. Which type of query is used to join two tables?

21 / 74

21. Which query is used to add records from one table to the end of another table

22 / 74

22. Which of the following is NOT an example of an Action query?

23 / 74

23. What query type modifies the values in one or more records within a table

24 / 74

24. Which of the following describes a select query?

25 / 74

25. What is the most common type of relationship?

26 / 74

26. Why would you create relationships and use them?

27 / 74

27. What must be true about two fields to create a relationship between them?

28 / 74

28. What is the advantage of enforcing referential integrity?

29 / 74

29. How is.primary key identified in the Relationships window?

30 / 74

30. What happens when you enter the last field of a record and press Enter key?

31 / 74

31. The Sort Ascending button will:

32 / 74

32. What is Z to A order called?

33 / 74

33. Which of the following is an example of a Filter by Form expression?

34 / 74

34. Which method used data in a field as criterion for filtering?

35 / 74

35. What command is required to actually execute a filter on a table?

36 / 74

36. Why is it important to hide a column?

37 / 74

37. Find and Replace command is found in:

38 / 74

38. Which formal property displays text in uppercase?

39 / 74

39. Which does not improve data entry?

40 / 74

40. Which field type can be indexed?

41 / 74

41. Why are validation rules used in a database?

42 / 74

42. Which of the following is NOT suitable for an input mask?

43 / 74

43. Which of the following is suitable for an input mask?

44 / 74

44. Field properties are shown in:

45 / 74

45. Field properties determine:

46 / 74

46. What is the term for a characteristic or attribute of object that determines how the object looks

47 / 74

47. Each of the following is an example of a valid Access data type EXCEPT:

48 / 74

48. Which of the following can be found in an MS Access database file?

49 / 74

49. Which data type can be used to defined a field consist Web address as its content?

50 / 74

50. Which data type can be used to create a sequential number for each record that serve as primary key

51 / 74

51. Which data type can be used to defined a field contains data content such as a chart, graphics etc

52 / 74

52. Which data type can be used to defined a field that is also formatted for data entry and display

53 / 74

53. Which data type can be used to defined a field consist of only number to be used in calculation

54 / 74

54. Which data type can be used to defined a field consist of maximum of 250 numbers or letters

55 / 74

55. which of the following is logical data type in MS Access

56 / 74

56. What is the default field size of a text data type field

57 / 74

57. which data type is the default type

58 / 74

58. A field`s width indicates

59 / 74

59. Every field in a table has:

60 / 74

60. What symbol indicates that you are editing a record

61 / 74

61. Which of the following methods are used for creating a table in Access?

62 / 74

62. Which of the following menus is used to switch between table views?

63 / 74

63. Which view is used to add, edit or delete records from a table?

64 / 74

64. Which of the following view in MS Access looks like an electronic spreadsheet?

65 / 74

65. Which of the following is NOT displayed in Design view?

66 / 74

66. Which of the following view in MS Access is used to define the structure of table?

67 / 74

67. Which key is used to move from field to field in Table window of Datasheet view?

68 / 74

68. Which button of Find and Replace dialog box is clicked to start the search process?

69 / 74

69. Which criteria can be used to find four-character name that starts with H?

70 / 74

70. How many table views are available in Microsoft Access?

71 / 74

71. Which rule states that record from table cannot be deleted if its associated record exists in table

72 / 74

72. In a relational database, a single piece of information is called:

73 / 74

73. How many types of relationship can be used?

74 / 74

74. The data in tables is entered in:

Your score is


Rawalpindi Board 2nd year Computer Science Chapter 7



Rawalpindi Board 2nd year Computer Science Chapter 7

1 / 27

1. In inheritance a class derived from more than one parent class is called

2 / 27

2. If class A inherit from class Then B is called____of  A . A is called_____of B

3 / 27

3. The base class is also called

4 / 27

4. The derived class is also called

5 / 27

5. Which of the following class inherit all the capabilities of the base class

6 / 27

6. ____is the mechanism that allows a class A to inherit properties of a class B

7 / 27

7. The ability of a class to derive properties from a previously defined class is called

8 / 27

8. The mechanism that binds code and Data together and keeps them secure from outside world is known as

9 / 27

9. A class can have how many destructor

10 / 27

10. The constructor with out parameters is called

11 / 27

11. Which of the following functions of class can not take argument and has no return type

12 / 27

12. Which of the following functions of class have argument but has no return type


13 / 27

13. Which of the following functions of class is automatically executed when an object of the class is destroyed

14 / 27

14. Which of the following is true about a constructor

15 / 27

15. Which of the following functions of a class is automatically executed when an object of the class is created

16 / 27

16. Member of class specified as _____ are accessible only to method of the class

17 / 27

17. Which of the following specifier is used to access class member outside class

18 / 27

18. Members of object are accessed with

19 / 27

19. ____is a default access specifier for members of class in c++

20 / 27

20. Which of the following are types of access specifier

21 / 27

21. Which sections of a class can a member function of that class access

22 / 27

22. Which of the following is a user defined Data type

23 / 27

23. In c++ the functions of a class are called

24 / 27

24. Data members are also called

25 / 27

25. The attributes of a class are called

26 / 27

26. In c++ object of the class is also called

27 / 27

27. A programming technique in which program are written on the basis of object is called

Your score is


Rawalpindi Board 2nd year Computer Science Chapter 8

0 votes, 0 avg
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Rawalpindi Board 2nd year Computer Science Chapter 8

1 / 78

1. What does the # sign indicate in an instruction of C language?

2 / 78

2. Which of the following components is used to convert first.c to first.exe?

3 / 78

3. computer programs are also known as:

4 / 78

4. The statements written by the programmer are called:

5 / 78

5. A statement that starts with a # is called a:

6 / 78

6. Types of translators are:

7 / 78

7. The process of identifying and removing errors in the programs is called:

8 / 78

8. Choose the program that translates and executes one line of source code at a time.

9 / 78

9. which one of the following translates source code to object code as a whole

10 / 78

10. which Program that translates assembly language code to machine code

11 / 78

11. which of the following language Is ideal to write business application

12 / 78

12. An assembly language uses:

13 / 78

13. The lowest level of programming language is:

14 / 78

14. Which of the following is NOT a high level language?

15 / 78

15. Writing programs in machine language is:

16 / 78

16. Which of the following is the native language of computer?

17 / 78

17. A type of language in which instructions are written in binary form is called:

18 / 78

18. Machine language:

19 / 78

19. Division by zero (e.g. 2/ 0) is an example

20 / 78

20. A spelling error (e.g. typing intt instead of int) is an example of:

21 / 78

21. Which of the following does not contain machine language code?

22 / 78

22. Which of the following errors are NOT detected by compiler?

23 / 78

23. A program’s syntax errors is detected by:

24 / 78

24. Which of the following reason causes the syntax error

25 / 78

25. A type of error that occurs when an instruction violates the rules programs is called:

26 / 78

26. A set of rules that must be followed to develop a program is called:

27 / 78

27. What does the following code print on screen? printf(‘hello’);

28 / 78

28. Mistakes that cause a running program to produce incorrect results are called:

29 / 78

29. Which of the following is NOT an example of a program bug?

30 / 78

30. Which term is commonly used to refer to software or program errors:

31 / 78

31. C statements end with a:

32 / 78

32. main is a

33 / 78

33. C programs are divided into units called:

34 / 78

34. void occupy how many bytes in memory?

35 / 78

35. Which of the following language requires no translator to execute the program?

36 / 78

36. Debug is the process of:

37 / 78

37. For every opening brace in a C program, there must be a:

38 / 78

38. This is a complete instruction that causes the computer to perform some action:

39 / 78

39. which of the following header file contains information about common mathematical functions?

40 / 78

40. which of the following header

41 / 78

41. which header file contains information about standard input/ output functions?

42 / 78

42. The extension of the header file is:

43 / 78

43. The name of header file is written between:

44 / 78

44. conio stands for:

45 / 78

45. stdio stands for:

46 / 78

46. stdio.h is part of:

47 / 78

47. The expression may be:

48 / 78

48. Which of the following syntax is used to include header file?

49 / 78

49. Which of the following symbol is used to denote a pre-processor statement?

50 / 78

50. Which of the following is a compiler directive?

51 / 78

51. Header files in C contain:

52 / 78

52. The expression in define directive:

53 / 78

53. Processor directives are command for

54 / 78

54. The basic structure of C program consists of:

55 / 78

55. Compiled programs typically, execute faster because:

56 / 78

56. The “.exe” file is produced by:.

57 / 78

57. The processing of running an executable file is known as

58 / 78

58. The process of linking library files with object cod is known as:

59 / 78

59. Which of the following key is used to load a program it memory to run?

60 / 78

60. The output of the compiler is called:

61 / 78

61. Which of the following key is used to compile a program

62 / 78

62. Which file contains the program after translation into machine language

63 / 78

63. The extension of object file is:

64 / 78

64. The process of converting source code into object code,is knows as:

65 / 78

65. The extension of C source program is:

66 / 78

66. Which of the following key is used to save a file?

67 / 78

67. The programmer usually enters source code into a computer using

68 / 78

68. An IDE stands for:

69 / 78

69. An IDE typically consists of:

70 / 78

70. Turbo C++ can compile

71 / 78

71. Which of the following language provided the basis for the development C

72 / 78

72. C is a:

73 / 78

73. C was designed to write program for:

74 / 78

74. Who developed C?

75 / 78

75. B was developed in the year:

76 / 78

76. C was developed in the year:1972

77 / 78

77. Computer programs are also known ac

78 / 78

78. A well-defined set of instructions given to the computer is called:

Your score is


Rawalpindi Board 2nd year Computer Science Chapter 9

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Rawalpindi Board 2nd year Computer Science Chapter 9

1 / 89

1. Data type int contains bytes:

2 / 89

2. These are operators that add and subtract one from their operands.

3 / 89

3. Which of the following is an illegal variable name?

4 / 89

4. Which of the following is used to declare variables that can hold real numbers:

5 / 89

5. In C language two conditions can be joined by using:

6 / 89

6. The numeric data types in C can be divided into two general categories:

7 / 89

7. Which of the following is a valid C statement?

8 / 89

8. When the result of the computation of two very small numbers is represented. it is called:

9 / 89

9. Which of the following is called the modulus operator?

10 / 89

10. Which of the following data types has the highest precision?

11 / 89

11. Which operator is used to represent equality in C language?

12 / 89

12. In C language. the symbol = represents

13 / 89

13. The characters or symbols that perform operations on operands are called:

14 / 89

14. which of the following is valid assignment statement

15 / 89

15. Associativity is either right to left or

16 / 89

16. the right side of an assignment statement can be

17 / 89

17. the left side of an assignment statement holds

18 / 89

18. When a variable is assigned a number that is too large for its data type, it is called:

19 / 89

19. which of the following is a correct assignment statement

20 / 89

20. Which of the following operators is used to assign a value to a variable

21 / 89

21. Which statement can be used to store letter A in char variable someChar?

22 / 89

22. const, double and int and examples of:

23 / 89

23. What is the value of the following expression? 20.0 * (9/5) + 32.0

24 / 89

24. The value of the C expression 13 + 211 % 4 – 2 is:

25 / 89

25. Which of the following operator has the highest priority?

26 / 89

26. The value of the C expression 5/ 9 * 2 is:

27 / 89

27. The value of the C expression 9/ 5* 2 is:

28 / 89

28. Which of the following has the highest precedence

29 / 89

29. The expression 0%4 has a value equal to:

30 / 89

30. The expression 3%5 has a value equal to:

31 / 89

31. Precedence determines which operator:

32 / 89

32. The expression 10%3 has a value equal to ;

33 / 89

33. Which of the following operators works only with integer value?

34 / 89

34. The equivalent statement of sum=sum-num is:

35 / 89

35. The modulus operator is used for:

36 / 89

36. Which address operator indicates the address of a variable?

37 / 89

37. Comments are used to increase the of the program?

38 / 89

38. Which of the following is NOT arithmetic operator?

39 / 89

39. An assignment statement will:

40 / 89

40. The only binary operator in the following is.

41 / 89

41. All of the following are valid expressions EXCEPT:

42 / 89

42. Comments are written at

43 / 89

43. Comments are written inside these symbol

44 / 89

44. An expression consists

45 / 89

45. An expression consists of

46 / 89

46. How many bytes are occupied by the statement float a,b;

47 / 89

47. what is the valid range of numbers for int type of data

48 / 89

48. A character constant must be enclosed in:

49 / 89

49. Which of the following are valid examples of character constant?

50 / 89

50. Which of the following can be used as character constant:

51 / 89

51. Which of the following constant definitions is correct

52 / 89

52. Which of the following statements is correct?

53 / 89

53. Which is NOT a valid statement to initialize a variable?

54 / 89

54. Which is a valid statement for initialization of a variable?

55 / 89

55. A process of assigning initial value to a variable at the time of declaration

56 / 89

56. Which of the following data types is most appropriate for storing a name?

57 / 89

57. Which is a valid statement for declaring a variable?

58 / 89

58. seperating each variable while declaring more than one variable on the same line

59 / 89

59. Which of the following are required to declare a variable?

60 / 89

60. which of the following statement is NOT legal

61 / 89

61. the constant 0.156e+6 represent the same value as

62 / 89

62. Another way to write the value 3452211903 is

63 / 89

63. which variable should be used to store the value “I want an A in the case

64 / 89

64. the number of bytes used by char data type in C is

65 / 89

65. Which of the following data type is used to store string value?

66 / 89

66. The number of digits after a decimal point is called:

67 / 89

67. The exponential notation consists of:

68 / 89

68. What happens when the result of a calculation exceeds the capacity of data type?

69 / 89

69. The number of bytes used by double data type in C is:

70 / 89

70. The number of bytes used by float data type in C is:

71 / 89

71. The float, long float and double data types are known as:

72 / 89

72. The data type that can handle decimal places is:

73 / 89

73. The integer, long and short data types are known as:

74 / 89

74. An integer variable can store the value:

75 / 89

75. The number of bytes used by int data type in C is?

76 / 89

76. Which is a numeric data type?

77 / 89

77. Which data type is used to store numeric value with no decimal point?

78 / 89

78. which term describes the kind of values that a variable can store?

79 / 89

79. Which of the following is NOT a valid identifier?.

80 / 89

80. which of the following are valid variable names?

81 / 89

81. Variable names can not begin with a(n):

82 / 89

82. Variable and constant names can not contain a(n):

83 / 89

83. a+=b is equivalent to


84 / 89

84. C is strongly typed language, it means that:

85 / 89

85. Which of the following operators has lowest precedence?

86 / 89

86. Which of the following is a valid character constant

87 / 89

87. A memory location with some data that cannot be changed is called:

88 / 89

88. Variables are created in:


89 / 89

89. A memory location with some data that can be changed is called:

Your score is


Rawalpindi Board 2nd year Computer Science Chapter 10



Rawalpindi Board 2nd year Computer Science Chapter 10

1 / 29

1. Which of the following is not a valid escape code?

2 / 29

2. Which character signifies the beginning of an escape sequence?

3 / 29

3. Which escape sequence is used to erase a character left to the cursor position’

4 / 29

4. Which character signifies the beginning of an escape sequence?

5 / 29

5. Which function is used to input data in C-program?

6 / 29

6. The escape sequence for backslash is?

7 / 29

7. Which escape sequence moves the cursor at the beginning current line also called carriage return?

8 / 29

8. Which escape,sequence can be used to insert a ‘lab in C?

9 / 29

9. Which escape sequence can be used to beep from speaker in C?

10 / 29

10. Which escape sequence can be used to begin a new line in C?

11 / 29

11. An ampersand before the name of a variable denotes

12 / 29

12. The statement printf (“%-10d”, n) will display the value of an :

13 / 29

13. The statement printf (“%10d”,n) will display the value of an

14 / 29

14. Which of the following symbol is used with ‘%, sign to display output left-justified

15 / 29

15. The general form of format specifier for floating point value:

16 / 29

16. he format specifier for output are:

17 / 29

17. Which of the following is NOT legal element of control string in printf statement?

18 / 29

18. which of the following is a possible value of flag

19 / 29

19. Which of the following format specifier used for string?

20 / 29

20. Which of the following format specifiers is used for float data type?

21 / 29

21. Which of the following format specifiers is used for character data type?

22 / 29

22. Which of the following format specifiers is used for integer data type?

23 / 29

23. Format specifier is started with symbol:

24 / 29

24. Which of the following things are determined by format specifier?

25 / 29

25. Which of the following is displayed by printf function?

26 / 29

26. The-function getche( ) is defined in:

27 / 29

27. The function that is used to display output on screen is called:

28 / 29

28. The functions used for input and output is stored in:

29 / 29

29. Which of the following function is used to input data in C programs?

Your score is


Rawalpindi Board 2nd year Computer Science Chapter 11



Rawalpindi Board 2nd year Computer Science Chapter 11

1 / 35

1. ……………… label provides the code that executes if no case label is matched.

2 / 35

2. The value of expression in switch statement must be of type:

3 / 35

3. The value of expression in switch statement must be of type:

4 / 35

4. The expression may be:

5 / 35

5. 30.x = 10 and y = 5, what will the output of the following expression? x > y ? x*y : x+y;

6 / 35

6. Conditional operator is an-alternative of

7 / 35

7. switch statement is an alternative of:

8 / 35

8. Which of the following is used for making two way decision structure

9 / 35

9. Which operator in C is called a ternary operator?

10 / 35

10. Conditional operator takes…………operands.

11 / 35

11. Another term for a conditional operator is:

12 / 35

12. Which of the following is equivalent to (p >= q)?

13 / 35

13. The Case block ends with:

14 / 35

14. How many times is the test expression of a switch statement evaluated?

15 / 35

15. “Which of the following are valid case statements in a switch?

16 / 35

16. Graphical representation of a program is called:

17 / 35

17. Which keyword is not used in switch statement?

18 / 35

18. Which is an example of multiple branches from single expression?

19 / 35

19. What does a compound condition use to join two conditions?

20 / 35

20. An if statement inside the true block Of another if statement is called:

21 / 35

21. refers to group of statements enclosed in opening and closing braces.

22 / 35

22. In if statement, true is represented by

23 / 35

23. In if statement, false is represented by:

24 / 35

24. The keywords………………is used to specify two different choices with “if” statement

25 / 35

25. Which of the following statements is the simplest form of a decision structure?

26 / 35

26. When a relational expression is false, it has the value

27 / 35

27. The operators to compare operands and decide if the relation is true or false are:

28 / 35

28. You can use a decision statement to:

29 / 35

29. Relational operators allow you to numbers.

30 / 35

30. An expression that uses a relational operator is known as:

31 / 35

31. Which programming structure makes a comparison?

32 / 35

32. Another term for a computer making a decision is:

33 / 35

33. Which programming structure executes program statements in order?

34 / 35

34. The three programming structures are:

35 / 35

35. The three programming structures are:

Your score is

The average score is 0%


Rawalpindi Board 2nd year Computer Science Chapter 12

0 votes, 0 avg


Rawalpindi Board 2nd year Computer Science Chapter 12

1 / 35

1. The………………. in the while loop controls the loop iteration.

2 / 35

2. Which symbol is used to show the beginning and ending of statements block?

3 / 35

3. In while loop, the loop control variable is always initialized:

4 / 35

4. There are three expressions in for loop statement separated by:

5 / 35

5. There are ………….expressions in for loop statement:

6 / 35

6. There are ………….expressions in for loop statement:

7 / 35

7. The keyword ‘break’ cannot be used within

8 / 35


When does the code block following while(x<100) execute?

9 / 35

9. The body of for loop with single statement ends with:

10 / 35

10. he body of while loop with multiple statements ends with

11 / 35

11. When is while loop more appropriate than for loop?

12 / 35

12. When is for loop more appropriate than while loop?

13 / 35

13. Which of the following is a loop statement?

14 / 35

14. Semicolon is placed at the end of condition in:

15 / 35

15. while loop is also called:

16 / 35

16. If you want a user to enter exactly 20 values, which loop would be the best to use?

17 / 35

17. This means to increase a value by one:

18 / 35

18. This statement may be used to stop a loop’s current iteration and begin next one:

19 / 35

19. A for statement contains three expressions: initialization, test and

20 / 35

20. A special value that marks the end of a list of input data is called:

21 / 35

21. Which statement is used to move the control to the start of loop body?

22 / 35

22. The loop which never ends is called:

23 / 35

23. A loop within-a loop is called:

24 / 35

24. This statement causes a loop to terminate early?

25 / 35

25. loop is a good choice when you know many times you want loop to iterate in advance of entering loop

26 / 35

26. Which of the following loop is called counter loop

27 / 35

27. In which loop the condition comes after the body of the loop?

28 / 35

28. In Which loop the condition comes before the body of the loop?

29 / 35

29. Which loop structure lire always executes at least Once

30 / 35

30. Where should be the loop control variable initialized?

31 / 35

31. A counter can be defined as:

32 / 35

32. Which of the following loop is available in C language?

33 / 35

33. How many types of loop structure are available in .C

34 / 35

34. One execution of a loop is known as a(n)

35 / 35

35. This is a control structure that causes a statement or group of statements to repeat

Your score is


Rawalpindi Board 2nd year Computer Science Chapter 13

0 votes, 0 avg


Rawalpindi Board 2nd year Computer Science Chapter 13

1 / 34

1. The………of a function describes the number and type of its arguments and return type of function

2 / 34

2. Which of the following is TRUE for return statement in a function?

3 / 34

3. A type of function written by the programmer is known as:

4 / 34

4. Local variables are also called:

5 / 34

5. Which of the following looks for the prototypes of functions used in a program?

6 / 34

6. Which of the following is true about a function call?

7 / 34

7. A variable declaration outside any function is known as:

8 / 34

8. A variable declared inside a function is known as:

9 / 34

9. A variable declared inside a function is known as:

10 / 34

10. The scope of a variable refers to its:

11 / 34

11. Which statement is used by a function use to return a value?

12 / 34

12. Multiple arguments to a function are separated by:

13 / 34

13. The parameters in function declaration are called:

14 / 34

14. Which of the following is incorrect?

15 / 34

15. What is the variable name that is used by a function to receive passed values?

16 / 34

16. Which of the following steps takes place when function is called?

17 / 34

17. The statement that activates a function is known as:

18 / 34

18. The first line of function definition is known as:

19 / 34

19. The function definition consists of:

20 / 34

20. The process of sending an argument to a function is called:

21 / 34

21. A value that can be gent to a function is known as:

22 / 34

22. Function definition can be written:

23 / 34

23. In a C program, two functions can have:

24 / 34

24. Function declaration consists of:

25 / 34

25. A built-in function:

26 / 34

26. The printf is a:

27 / 34

27. Formal arguments are also called:

28 / 34

28. The name of actual and formal parameters:

29 / 34

29. Memory is allocated to a local variable at the time of its:

30 / 34

30. Global variables are created in:

31 / 34

31. Function prototype for built-in functions are specified in:

32 / 34

32. A type of function that is available as part of language is known as:

33 / 34

33. Another name for built-in function is:

34 / 34

34. Which of the following is type of function available in C language?

Your score is


Rawalpindi Board 2nd year Computer Science Chapter 14



Rawalpindi Board 2nd year Computer Science Chapter 14

1 / 20

1. Which of the following functions is used to write character to a file?

2 / 20

2. Which of the following functions is used to read character from a file?

3 / 20

3. Which of the following are file handling functions?

4 / 20

4. Which of the following function is used to copy a string to an array of characters/

5 / 20

5. Which of the following character is used to mark the end of the string?

6 / 20

6. An array script should be:

7 / 20

7. On successfully closing a file, the fclose( ) returns?

8 / 20

8. Which of the following functions is used to write a string to a file?

9 / 20

9. An is a group of contiguous memory location to store data of same data type.

10 / 20

10. In the statement FILE* fp, the * represents:

11 / 20

11. The f open() function uses parameters.

12 / 20

12. In file opening mode, data can only be written to the file:

13 / 20

13. In file opening mode, data can only be read from an existing file:

14 / 20

14. A can store text only.

15 / 20

15. A streamis a interface to a file.

16 / 20

16. stream can be disassociated from a file using operation:

17 / 20

17. A stream can be associated with a file using an operation:

18 / 20

18. A sequence of characters from input device to computer is called :

19 / 20

19. Which mode opens only an existing file for both reading and writing?

20 / 20

20. A file is stored in?