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Aiou Workshop 5403| Test 1

1 / 100

1) Information technology is a combination of :

2 / 100

2) Which problem occurs when two workstations on shared Ethernet try to access LAN at the same time

3 / 100

3) The devices use to enter data or instruction in a computer include :

4 / 100

4) Which of the following is mostly used on different products in the market?

5 / 100

5) A collection of related web pages is called:

6 / 100

6) Multimedia can include the use of :

7 / 100

7) The quality of printers is measured in:

8 / 100

8) Which of following protocols are properly researched, designed and finally published as a standard?

9 / 100

9) Mobile phone(Cellular) systems often use:

10 / 100

10) The electronic circuit that executes Computer instruction is called a(n) :

11 / 100

11) The device driver is a type of :

12 / 100

12) Which of the following is determined by video display adapters:

13 / 100

13) All of the following are examples of pointing devices EXCEPT :

14 / 100

14) The layer that is concerned with addressing and routing is called:

15 / 100

15) System requirements are created during :

16 / 100

16) The name of screen clarity:

17 / 100

17) The type of conversion in which individual components of the new system are used one by one is :

18 / 100

18) A pixel might be displayed as:

19 / 100

19) Which of the following can be used instead of mouse if desk space is limited :

20 / 100

20) The lowest resolution for color graphics display is:

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21) An organized set of related components is called :

22 / 100

22) A disadvantage of the laser printer is that :

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23) Which device is used to capture video using standard analog camcorder or VCR:

24 / 100

24) The meaning of the value of a bit is :

25 / 100

25) In the OSI model, encryption and decryption are functions of the________?

26 / 100

26) Which of the following is an example of packaged software :

27 / 100

27) A printer is needed to:

28 / 100

28) A device used to connect similar networks is called:

29 / 100

29) Which printer should be used on mainframes for high-volume report printing :

30 / 100

30) DPI stand for :

31 / 100

31) The layer that defines the formats the data uses as it in transmitted on the communication line

32 / 100

32) LAN stands for:

33 / 100

33) How many characters of data does a byte usually represent :

34 / 100

34) Which LAN access method resolves the contention between two or more nodes by collision detection

35 / 100

35) TB is approximately :

36 / 100

36) The top most layer of the OSI is called:

37 / 100

37) The advantage of an LCD monitor is that it is:

38 / 100

38) Route determination can be identified by:

39 / 100

39) Which operation is not performed by computer?

40 / 100

40) Which type of printer operates most like a photocopy machine :

41 / 100

41) FTP stands for

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42) The frame rate is a factor in which of the following outputs?

43 / 100

43) The type of reader commonly used to read bank checks is a (n).

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44) The most widely used secondary storage in a comuter is :

45 / 100

45) A common type of diagram in most project management software is :

46 / 100

46) 1 Kilobyte (KB) =__ bytes :

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47) Which key removes the character to the left of the cursor :

48 / 100

48) A set collection of a large number of computers all over the world connected to one another is

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49) Which of the following is used to get voice output:

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50) Which of the following topologies uses routers?

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51) Which of the following is a De Facto standard?

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52) The primary difference between a LAN and a WAN is:

53 / 100

53) Which of the following is NOT a network topology?

54 / 100

54) The communication across WAN occurs using:

55 / 100

55) Which type of diagram shows how information flows through a system :

56 / 100

56) The companies that use networks can save time and money because network allow users to share:

57 / 100

57) MICR stand for :

58 / 100

58) Which of the following is NOT a benefit of computer networks?

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59) A network that covers a limited geographic distance such as an office is called:

60 / 100

60) A collection of computers connected together to share resources and informal called:

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61) Data shown on display unit or played through audio is called:

62 / 100

62) Which of the following keys is used to cancel an operation :

63 / 100

63) Which of the the following is non-impact printer :

64 / 100

64) The_________layer is the layer closest to the transmission medium

65 / 100

65) A pen-like device used to trace images on paper is called a.

66 / 100

66) Which type of flat-panel computer screen provides the highest-quality image?

67 / 100

67) The topology used for a small number of computers is called:

68 / 100

68) The process of training personnel to use the new systems is done during :

69 / 100

69) The cheapest form of printer available for PC is :

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70) The technology of long-distance communication is known as:

71 / 100

71) The bottem most layer of the OSI is called:

72 / 100

72) In WAN, the communication software that allows a personal computer to appear as terminal is call

73 / 100

73) Which printer is characterized by melting wax-based ink into ordinary paper :

74 / 100

74) A LAN protocol in which all computers and devices on the network pass a special signal known as:

75 / 100

75) Which type of network covers a small area?

76 / 100

76) Which is the most common LAN topology?

77 / 100

77) Which method is used to collect information from many people in organization :

78 / 100

78) DSL stands for

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79) Additional data and program not being used by CPU are stored in :

80 / 100

80) A computer main function is to :

81 / 100

81) People on LAN can share:

82 / 100

82) A standard keyboard used in PC has how many keys :

83 / 100

83) Which of the following is not an output device :

84 / 100

84) Which of the following is NOT an example of System software :

85 / 100

85) The services on the Internet include

86 / 100

86) Which pointing device is commonly used for gaming.

87 / 100

87) Application software is available in many forms except :

88 / 100

88) The output can be:

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89) A type of reader commonly used to reader UPC is called.

90 / 100

90) Data link have two separate sub-layers known as:

91 / 100

91) A gigabyte is equal to :

92 / 100

92) The act of listening to the medium for a message is called:

93 / 100

93) Arrow keys are also called :

94 / 100

94) The individual images that make up a video are called:

95 / 100

95) What comes after the analysis phase in the SDLC :

96 / 100

96) Which of the following is a type of plotter :

97 / 100

97) How may types of graphic cards are available in market?

98 / 100

98) The electron beams are swept across a coating of____to display output on CRT screen:

99 / 100

99) What type of printer forms images one character at a time as print head moves across the paper :

100 / 100

100) FDDI is a __________network.