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Aiou Workshop 5403| Test 2

1 / 100

1) Most applications of robotics are in which area?

2 / 100

2) Many banks provide the facility of:

3 / 100

3) CAT stands for:

4 / 100

4) Memory space in a computer is used to:

5 / 100

5) A bus with 32 lines can carry ______ bytes of data.

6 / 100

6) RAM stands for

7 / 100

7) The external devices connected to a computer system are known as:

8 / 100

8) Types of translators are:

9 / 100

9) Computer cannot boot if it does not have:

10 / 100

10) Which of the following is NOT a type of RAM?

11 / 100

11) Which of the following is relevant to office automation?

12 / 100

12) The brain of the computer that executes the instructions is called:

13 / 100

13) CPU places address in______if memory location is to be read:

14 / 100

14) CBT stands for:

15 / 100

15) The difference between ROM and RAM is:

16 / 100

16) ALU has _______ units:

17 / 100

17) Which of the following is not a type of ROM:

18 / 100

18) The memory cells are logically organized into group of:

19 / 100

19) Which of the following has the fastest speed?

20 / 100

20) ___________allow the processor to communicate with peripheral devices.

21 / 100

21) How many bits are carried by one line of data bus?

22 / 100

22) Electronic commerce (e-commerce) is the process of:

23 / 100

23) Cache memory works between:

24 / 100

24) The address of instruction being executed is contained within:

25 / 100

25) Transfers data between main memory and I/O devices without using CPU?

26 / 100

26) All of the following may be stored in registers EXCEPT:

27 / 100

27) The bus used to connect the CPU to memory on the system board is called:

28 / 100

28) which component of CPU interacts with primary memory?

29 / 100

29) ________ is used to control all the parts of a manufacturing process.

30 / 100

30) Many products are designed by using?

31 / 100

31) Which component of CPU is used to compare data?

32 / 100

32) Which register holds base location of all executable instructions in the program?

33 / 100

33) Which scanner takes many X-rays around the body?

34 / 100

34) The circuit board on which the processor and other chips are placed is called:

35 / 100

35) Which of the following is not a type of bus in computer?

36 / 100

36) ALU performs arithmetic and _________operations.

37 / 100

37) Which of the following is a signal?

38 / 100

38) Which of the following is related to business?

39 / 100

39) The process of automatic office tasks using computer-is called:

40 / 100

40) Which of the following is not considered to be a peripheral device?

41 / 100

41) The idea of storing a program in memory was given by:

42 / 100

42) RAM usually has ______ types

43 / 100

43) CPU includes all of the following components EXCEPT

44 / 100

44) Electronic banking is also known as:

45 / 100

45) Which memory is used to speed up the computer processing?

46 / 100

46) A word processor can be used to:

47 / 100

47) A bus that moves data between the central processor and memory is known as:

48 / 100

48) The temporary storage area within CPU is called:

49 / 100

49) A bus with 64 lines can carry ______of data:

50 / 100

50) EEPROM stand for

51 / 100

51) EEPROM chips:

52 / 100

52) Modern computer can perform calculations or process in:

53 / 100

53) Which register holds the address of next instruction to be fetched for execution?

54 / 100

54) ______is used to product attractive documents using photos, artwork and graphics:

55 / 100

55) The size of EAX register can be up to:

56 / 100

56) Which of the following is not included in document management system?

57 / 100

57) Which component handles the processor communication with its peripheral,

58 / 100

58) The benefits of using computers are:

59 / 100

59) CBT software is used in:

60 / 100

60) CAL stands for:

61 / 100

61) A 32-bit bus is _________ than a 16-bit bus.

62 / 100

62) The process of producing multiple copies of a document is called:

63 / 100

63) Computer based weather forecasting depends on accurate collection of data from:

64 / 100

64) Which of the following memories allows simultaneous read and write operations?

65 / 100

65) The step that performs the actions given in the instructions is called:

66 / 100

66) Which of the following is not an example of e-commerce?

67 / 100

67) A program’s syntax errors are detected by:

68 / 100

68) Data can be erased using ultraviolet rays written on:

69 / 100

69) Data can be erased using ultraviolet rays written on:

70 / 100

70) The benefits of CAD include:

71 / 100

71) A port on the computer may be connected to:

72 / 100

72) The central processing unit:

73 / 100

73) MICR stands for:

74 / 100

74) Which of the following is not a type of register?

75 / 100

75) Which type of memory is nonvolatile and cannot be changed by the user?

76 / 100

76) The output of the compiler is called:

77 / 100

77) Expansion cards are inserted into:

78 / 100

78) There are ___________type of General purpose register:

79 / 100

79) A characteristic of ROM is that it is:

80 / 100

80) The fly-by-wire system is used in:

81 / 100

81) Which of the following is not a machine instruction?

82 / 100

82) CU stands for:

83 / 100

83) Which computer memory is used to store programs and data being processed by the

84 / 100

84) Which of the following is not a type of memory?

85 / 100

85) Computer at home can be used for:

86 / 100

86) RAM holds the data/instructions

87 / 100

87) Which component of CPU decides the operations to be performed by the CPU?

88 / 100

88) The boards used to connect additional devices to the computer are connected to the motherboard thr

89 / 100

89) Which component is used to connect different parts of computer together?

90 / 100

90) Which one is faster

91 / 100

91) The data moves between the internal components of the computer using:

92 / 100

92) A bus line consists of:

93 / 100

93) The operation of arithmetic and logic unit is directed by:

94 / 100

94) Which component is used to connect different parts of computer together?

95 / 100

95) The brain of the computer that executes the instructions is called:

96 / 100

96) What is the main purpose of secondary storage devices?

97 / 100

97) Which of the following is used for static RAM technology?

98 / 100

98) The step that translates instruction into individual commands is called:

99 / 100

99) Memory consists of:

100 / 100

100) An identifiable location in memory where data are kept is called: